Who's In Charge Now?

Oct 26, 2014 21:38

Another short fill for the kink meme! It's for this prompt, which asks for Film Brain being the dominant one in the relationship. I was in the mood to write more Film Brain/Critic, so I hope the original prompter sees this and enjoys this smutty thing I have written, lol.

Critic sat lazily in his office chair, typing up the script for his next review, when the soft sound of the door opening behind him drew his attention.

“Hmm?” he mumbled, craning his neck around to get a peak at the intruder, but before he could see a thing, warm fingertips landed on his temples and directed his head back into its prior position. Once that was accomplished, those fingers deftly snagged his glasses and pulled them away before returning to cover Critic’s eyes.

“Don’t move,” a low, unmistakably British voice commanded into his ear. “You are at my mercy now.”

Critic groaned as the soft flesh of his earlobe was nibbled upon and he shifted in spite of the instructions he’d been given, his cock already springing to life.

“Seems you don’t listen well. I suppose that’s something we’ll have to work on, once I’ve finished. On your feet, now.”

Critic complied, jumping from his chair as the hands pulled away from him, before he turned to get a better look at the man who was giving him orders.

Film Brain’s normally kind eyes were aflame with desire, and his adorably dopey smile had been replaced with a confident smirk which told Critic that he was in charge now, and there was nothing Critic could do to change that.

“What are-?” Critic started to ask, before his words were cut off by Film Brain grabbing his tie and yanking him down into a hungry, powerful kiss. Critic’s eyes closed instinctively, his cock straining even harder against his boxers, and he tried to wrap his arms around the younger man.

“I didn’t say you could hug me,” Film Brain growled, knocking Critic’s arms away before capturing his wrists. He pushed Critic backwards until the older man collided with the wall and let out small grunt.

Film Brain flashed a cocky smile when he noticed the bulge in Critic’s jeans. He deftly unzipped him and slipped one hand inside, squeezing Critic’s cock fervently.

“Oh fuck,” Critic moaned, his knees ready to buckle as he grew light-headed.

“That was the plan.” Film Brain suddenly yanked down Critic’s pants and boxers before spinning him around, pressing his forehead and palms against the wall. Then he didn’t really do much of anything for a few minutes, much to Critic’s annoyance.

“Damn it, you know how impatient I am,” he whined.

Film Brain snickered and pulled the two fingers he’d been sucking on from his mouth. “I know. Making you wait just makes this so much more fun.”

Critic scowled, but before he could complain further, he was grabbed by the shoulders and pushed downwards a bit. He kept his balance by pressing against the wall, before his body jolted as one slick finger slid inside him.

“Fuck oh fuck oh fuck,” he moaned as Film Brain added a second finger, thrusting them in and out in a rhythmic manner. Critic reached down to attend to his cock, which was fully erect and dripping onto the carpet, but again Film Brain batted his hand away.

“Only I get to touch you.” Film Brain removed his fingers from Critic then and replaced them with his own erect cock, which caused both men to unleash a string of loud moans and curse words. As the younger man thrusted faster and faster, and deeper and deeper inside Critic, his free hand wrapped around Critic’s cock, pumping it steadily until at last he came with a hearty cry.

“Ahhhhhh fuck! Fuck me hard!”

This was enough for Film Brain, who exploded immediately after while crying out Critic’s name.

The two remained in that position for a few moments, panting softly as they reclaimed their breath and their senses, before Film Brain slid out of his boyfriend and helped him stand up straight again.

“I… I hope that didn’t hurt your back,” he said, wiping up the mess they’d made with a handful of tissues.

“Nah, I’m fine,” Critic replied.

“Thank goodness.”

Once they were clean and fully dressed again, Critic pulled Film Brain into a hug and kissed him softly. “You were perfect tonight.”

Film Brain beamed, his cheeks growing rosy and warm. “Really? I’m thrilled to hear that! I was working on my intimidating voice all week for you!”

Critic kissed him again and ruffled his hair. “You really nailed it. Thanks so much for fulfilling one of my favorite fantasies.”

“Heh, you know, I honestly really enjoyed it,” Film Brain admitted with a shy smile. “I’ve dreamt about being the more dominant one with you many times, but I didn’t act on it since I thought you enjoyed that position more.”

“Really? In that case, I’m going to have to take a backseat more often,” Critic declared.

Film Brain’s eyes widened. “You mean that?”

“Sure! It’s actually nice not having to do most of the work anyway, and this way we can do even more of the scenarios I’ve been jerking off to since I was a kid!”

“Like what?”

“… um… the Wicked Witch and… sexy… Dorothy…”

Film Brain snickered at how red Critic’s face had become. “So that’s why you kept that costume after the review was over. Well, find me a pointy hat and a broom, and I’ll be ready to ‘get you, my pretty’ in no time!”

“God damn do I love you, Film Brain.”

smut, slash, fanfic, tgwtg, film brain, nostalgia critic

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