
Aug 19, 2012 03:23

Another fill for the kink meme! This is for an older prompt that I just found for 80s Dan and his housemates to have become neighbors of Linkara and crew. So of course, I threw in some Dan/90s Kid, because I haven't gotten enough of writing them already, lol. The prompt said they could either be rivals or talking about how no one appreciated their decades, so I went with the latter, because they could never be rivals. There's also some hurt/comfort and fluff, because I'm predictible. :D

(I also realized we need more prompts for these two! *hint hint*)

I hope you enjoy!

90s Kid spun the wheels on his skateboard and nodded proudly as they turned with ease.

“I totally knew I could fix it! Now I can get back to the park and shred it to the extreme!”

He smiled with excitement and quickly set the skateboard onto the sidewalk before bringing the toolbox back into Linkara’s garage. Then he adjusted his helmet and protective pads, pushed his sunglasses back onto his head, and took off with a push of his foot.

90s Kid then promptly crashed into a fire hydrant, did a forward somersault in the air, and landed directly on his back with a loud smacking sound.

“Whoa… totally bogus…” 90s Kid lay sprawled out on the sidewalk for a moment and tried to figure out why he was seeing stars when the sun was still shining. Finally, he managed to pull himself up into a sitting position and winced as he felt a surge of pain wash across his back. “Ow.” 90s Kid rubbed at the area cautiously, trying to determine if he was bleeding at all. He was so focused on his injuries that he failed to notice as someone exited the house directly across the street and moved towards him.

“Hey, 90s Kid! You okay?”

“Huh?” 90s Kid looked up and found that, despite the throbbing in his back, he couldn’t help it as a smile fall into place. “Dan! Hey, dude! What’s up?”

80s Dan smiled back as he made his way over to where the teen lay. “Oh, not much. I was just in the middle of a ‘Hawaiian Heat’ marathon, but I couldn’t focus on the wise words of Mako after I witnessed your wipeout. Are you sure you’re all right, Kid? I get worried when I see you crashing like that.”

90s Kid felt his cheeks redden at Dan’s worried tone and he nodded quickly.

“Oh sure, dude, I-I’m totally fine. This kind of stuff happens to me, like, all the time.”

Dan frowned slightly at his response but then his expression softened and he offered the teen a hand, which 90s Kid took without hesitating. When he was upright once again, 90s Kid made to further brush off his injuries as nothing, but with just one step he felt another wave of agony course through his body and he stumbled. He would have fallen if not for Dan’s quick reflexes, and soon he found himself leaning against the older man.

“There you go.” Dan slung 90s Kid’s arm over his shoulder and pressed a hand gently into 90s Kid’s side as he attempted to keep him standing. “Let’s get you back inside so we can look at those injuries.”

“Uh, thanks, dude.” 90s Kid knew his face was on fire, but he did his best to act casual as they walked back into the base. “Um, there’s a first aid kid, like, in the bathroom.”

Dan nodded and quickly retrieved it while 90s Kid sat down on the couch, discarded his helmet and pads, and then took off his flannel jacket to examine it. Fortunately, it hadn’t ripped during the fall, and only bore a few streaks of dirt that could be easily washed away.

“Well, here it is.” Dan looked down at 90s Kid, the kit in his hands. “It might be difficult for you to look at your back by yourself, so is there anyone here I can get to come help you?”

“Nah, dude, everyone’s gone,” 90s Kid explained as he tossed his jacket to the end of the couch. “I was totally trying to get them to have a Pogs tournament with me this morning, but they, like, said that was an un-radical game and bailed.” He sighed and looked down. “They’re always bailing when I wanna do stuff.”

He glanced over when Dan sat down on the couch beside him, a sympathetic expression on the older man’s face.

“I know the feeling. I was watching that ‘Hawaiian Heat’ marathon by myself, since Dolly and ROB couldn’t be bothered to join me. Lately it seems like they’re becoming less and less interested when I try to tell them about a little known cinematic masterpiece, like the ‘The Stuff’, or try and read aloud from my ALF comics. I guess they’re beginning to find me boring.” Dan’s shoulders slumped a little at this admission, and 90s Kid scooted closer to his side.

“Dude, I totally get that. Linkara and Ninja and Harvey are always, like, dissing my love of Liefeld and Vanilla Ice and all the extreme comics I have, which are totally going to be collector’s items one day!”

“Don’t get me started on collector’s items,” Dan replied, brightening somewhat as he looked over at 90s Kid. “Dolly and ROB would sooner toss out my Happy Meal toys than admit how valuable they’re going to be in the future.”

“It’s like, they just can’t get it or something,” 90s Kid said, shaking his head a little like he couldn’t understand it. “They can’t get how totally awesome the stuff we love is.”

“They can’t accept that things from a time they’ve already forgotten can still be worthwhile.”

“They can’t see that ‘darker and edgier’ is totally radical!”

“They can’t enjoy an actor with shoulder pads and feathered hair!”

“They just can’t appreciate us!”

The pair said this last line in unison before they turned to stare at each other in shock. Then they burst out laughing for quite some time, completely content with the world for the first time in a long while.

“Oh wow,” Dan said after he’d finally calmed down, “I haven’t felt so connected to someone in years. Being your neighbor is definitely the best benefit to moving here, Kid.”

90s Kid felt his heart flutter. “Really, dude? Cuz I totally feel the same-ow!” In a fit of forgetfulness, 90s Kid had leaned backwards against the couch, and subsequently applied pressure to his still-tender back. He lurched forward at once and Dan’s expression grew concerned all over again.

“Kid, are you all right?”

“Y-yeah… totally cool,” 90s Kid said, though behind his sunglasses his eyes were shut in pain. “Uh, D-dan, like, I know this is, uh, weird, but... would you, um, maybe…”

“You want me to check your back?” Dan’s smile softened as he noticed how flustered 90s Kid looked while he nodded in the affirmative. “Sure, I can do that no problem.”

90s Kid swallowed nervously and turned around so he was facing the other side of the room before he pulled his T-shirt off. Feeling butterflies in his stomach, he wadded the black piece of cloth into a ball and held it protectively in front of his chest while Dan turned his attention to the teen’s injuries.

“This doesn’t look as bad as I’d feared,” Dan murmured after studying the scrapes on his back for a moment. “With some antibiotics and some Band-Aids, you should be patched up in no time. You should probably clean the cuts first, though.” He headed back into the bathroom and brought out a lukewarm washcloth, but when he attempted to hand it to 90s Kid, the teen shook his head.

“Um, dude, c-can you… I totally can’t reach and… ”

90s Kid’s whole body had tensed after trying to ask such an embarrassing favor, but he relaxed instantly when he felt the warm sensation of the washcloth gently moving across his skin. He gasped and then bit down on his tongue to suppress the moan that was desperate to escape. Dan, mistaking this for a sign of pain, quickly pulled his hands back.

“Oh, sorry Kid! Did I hurt you?”

“No, no, dude, you didn’t,” 90s Kid said quickly, glancing back over his shoulder at Dan. “It was t-totally helping, for real.”

“Oh, good.” Dan sighed with relief before tending to 90s Kid’s back once again. After he’d cleaned the area, he began gently kneading antibacterial cream into his skin, rubbing it gingerly over his wounds.

“Oh…” 90s Kid couldn’t help moaning a little this time, his whole body starting to relax. “Dude, you’re so totally good at this.”

“Why thank you,” Dan replied, a proud grin on his face. “I’ve watched that killed-before-its-time gem of a medical drama ‘Nurse’ enough times that I’m confident in my abilities to apply basic first aid. You know, back in 1981-” Dan paused then. “Oh jeez, I’m rambling again, aren’t I? Sorry, Kid, I don’t want to start boring you too.”

“You wouldn’t bore me, dude!” Dan blinked in surprise as 90s Kid looked back at him again, his expression completely genuine. “I totally love when you tell me about all the awesome stuff from your decade! You have, like, the best stories, dude!”

Dan’s smile stretched out from ear to ear at these words. “Well, if you’re sure you’d like to listen to me, then I do have an anecdote about Michael Learned I bet you’d enjoy.”

“Totally!” 90s Kid listened enthusiastically as Dan chattered away and applied a few Band-Aids to his back. In no time he was done, and 90s Kid was feeling significantly better. He slipped his T-shirt back on before turning to face Dan again, and he took off his sunglasses to show him the appreciative look in his eyes.

“Dude, I can’t thank you enough for all this. I, like, don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here. I’m totally glad you moved across the street from us, Dan.”

“Me too, Kid.” Dan reached out to squeeze his shoulder, but let out a startled breath when 90s Kid wrapped his arms around him in a warm hug. He felt a blush creep up his cheeks, but he returned the embrace fully. “Me too.”

slash, fanfic, h/c, 80s dan, tgwtg, 90s kid, fluff

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