Just The Three of Us

Feb 16, 2012 23:07

I technically wrote this on Valentine's Day but was too tired to edit and post it until now. But it still counts as a V-Day fic! XD  Anyway, I felt like writing something with my two OTPs, culminating in an OT3 threesome type fic. I enjoyed writing it and I will always hope that Phelous, Snob, and Benzaie can do a video together one day!

Title comes from my favorite Scene to Music with Greg and Mike. I love how it goes from normal to creepy/hilarious sci-fi/horror in seconds!

“This romantic comedy is neither romantic nor comedic,” Snob says with a sigh of disgust, tapping his fingers impatiently along the arm of the couch. “I feel like I’ve been doubly screwed over.”

“Why the fuck did we even rent this movie?” Phelous asks, shifting slightly so he can grab the bowl of popcorn from Snob’s lap.

“Because it’s Valentine’s Day!” Benzie chirps, the only one of the three who’s remotely happy with what they’re watching. “You have to watch silly love stories on this day!”

“Why?” Snob and Phelous ask in unison, which just serves to make Benzaie giggle.

“Well, what would you prefer to watch instead?” He pauses the movie and turns toward the two, resting his chin in his hands as he waits for their answers.

“Uh, well,” Snob stutters, surprised at being put on the spot, but not for long. “Something with an engaging plot or character development maybe?”

“I don’t think I have any movies like those around,” Phelous determines as he gives the room a quick scan. “Did either of you bring any good movies?”

“This is a good movie!” Benzaie insists. “After all the romantic misunderstandings are cleared up, those two are going to make it, I just know it!” Snob rolls his eyes.

“Okay, shut that off before he starts talking about the power of love and I lose the will to live.” Benzaie frowns, a bit annoyed, but complies by shutting the DVD player off.

“You never said what kinds of movies you brought,” he presses. Snob arches an eyebrow at Benzaie and grins.

“I brought some good old fashioned exploitation flicks, of course. There’s nothing more romantic than Nazi torture porn, am I right?”

Benzaie and Phelous bear matching expressions of disbelief.

“God, can’t either of you take a joke?” Snob reaches for his beer and takes a large sip.

“We can always play video games,” Phelous suggests. “I’ve got all the Resident Evil and Silent Hill games.”

“Zombies and tortured children. How romantic,” Snob replies. It’s Phelous’s turn to frown.

“I also have a shitload of Mortal Kombats around.” Snob can’t contain his chuckles.

“There’s nothing like a good decapitation to get me in the mood for romance.”

“We don’t have to kill each other,” Benzaie pipes in. “We can end with Friendships! Those are kind of romantic.”

“Unless your friendship involves someone losing their clothes, then no thank you.” Phelous turns to Snob, amused.

“So what are you saying? It’s porn or nothing?”

“Why is everyone so down on porn? Some of the porn I’ve seen has better plots than whatever Hollywood shits out each summer.”

“I’m not down on porn,” Benzaie says, shoveling a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “I’m all for watching some!”

They both turn to Phelous, who sighs and shakes his head.

“Fine, whatever. But if things get awkward, I’m blaming both of you.

An hour later they’re naked in Phelous’s bed, Snob and Phelous locked in a passionate embrace while Benzaie grinds against the taller man’s ass, kissing his the nape of his neck and smoothing his palms down his back.

“Mmm, your skin is exquisite,” Benzaie murmurs as he trails his mouth across Phelous’s shoulder blades and down along the curve of his spine. “So pale and soft… magnifique.”

Phelous’s mouth is already occupied with the task of wrestling Snob’s, so he can’t respond with anything more than a mumbled “Mmmm, thanks”. Benzaie frowns, feeling slightly put out.

“Truly beautiful,” he continues, kissing the small of Phelous’s back while gently squeezing his ass. Phelous responds with an appropriate shudder, his soft moans growing louder. Benzaie is encouraged to continue. “Not only do you feel amazing, but the sounds you make drive me wild. I simply cannot get enough, mon amor.”

“Would you shut up?” Snob glares at him over Phelous’s shoulder. “You’re constant fucking chatter is killing the mood.”

“But I want to kiss him now,” Benzaie whines. “I’m tired of waiting.”

“We were just kissing ten minutes ago,” Phelous murmurs. He’s panting slightly, his eyes glazed and lips darkened from the night’s attention.

“Yes, and I miss it.” Benzaie quickly leans over to capture his lips once again, but is shoved back by Snob a few seconds later.

“We had a deal. We each get ten minutes of kissing, followed by a period of fucking, before we shift positions.”

“Well, if you’re going to use that tone, I don’t think I want to switch,” Benzaie replies, sticking his tongue out at Snob. “I’ll just stay with Phelous, thank you very much.”

“Don’t steal my catchphrase, you prick!”

“Uh, guys, can’t we do this later? You’re both kind of killing the mood now.”

Benzaie and Snob look at Phelous before turning to each other.

“I bet I can make Phelous cum faster than you can.”

“You’re fucking on.”

“On the count of three?”

“Nah, let’s just go.”

With a nod of agreement to seal the deal, Benzaie dives toward Phelous’s upper half, employing all the skills being French affords him, to lavish Phelous’s face, neck, and chest with kisses. Phelous’s skin only grows warmer with each soothing touch Benzaie offers, and when his nipples are given attention, Phelous arches his back and whimpers with each teasing nip. Soon he’s writhing beneath Benzaie, his moans loud enough to wake his slumbering cats three rooms over. Smiling victoriously, Benzaie kisses down his chest and stomach before slowly engulfing his cock and sucking him slowly, then quickly. Phelous’s eyes roll back into his head as he groans with pleasure before exploding into the younger man’s mouth.

“What’s my time?” he asks Snob after wiping his mouth.

“Five minutes, thirty two seconds,” Snob replies, not even bothering to look worried. “Now stand aside-metaphorically of course-and watch a pro.”

Benzaie rolls his eyes.

“I’ll give you a minute so Phelous can recover.”

“Thank you for your generosity,” Phelous snarks, panting slightly.

Snob laughs. “Sure, whatever you say. I’ll even take two minutes if you’re scared.”

“No, one’s fine,” Benzaie says, his eyes glued to the clock. “And it ends… now!”

With ease, Snob rolls Phelous so he faces away from him and starts to kiss and suck the back of his neck. Benzie isn’t impressed, only bothering to lift an eyebrow when he bites down into Phelous’s flesh.

“A bit rough, huh? Not very romantic, Snob.”

Unfortunately, Phelous doesn’t agree. His eyes slide shut and he shivers, his moans growing louder. Benzaie starts to worry.

“Oh fuck, he’s a masochist?”

“And there’s nothing he likes more than pain,” Snob whispers before sinking his teeth into the wound again. Phelous feels like he’s on fire, his skin flushing red and shining with sweat, and gasps when Snob roughly slides into him. With only a few thrusts of his hips, Phelous is on the verge of exploding again; this is accomplished by a flick of his already sensitive nipples.

“Fuck,” Benzaie mutters after checking the clock again.

“My time please?” Benzaie glares, annoyed by his smirk.

“Okay, best two out of three.”

“Fine by me.”

“I think... you two… are going to… really kill me… this time.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Phelous,” Benzaie says, patting his cheek in a friendly manner. “After all you’ve been through, a little sex won’t be what finally does you in.”

“Maybe not sex with you.”

“Fuck you, Snob.”

“After Phelous passes out.”

benzaie, slash, fanfic, tgwtg, phelous, cinema snob

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