High After-School Days

Feb 03, 2012 18:43

A fill for the kink meme! The prompt was for a high school AU where Linkara and Spoony get high with 90s Kid. I decided to set this in the same universe as my other high school fic, written about in this story, but you don't need to read that to enjoy this fill. I always feel uncertain when I write about characters being drunk or high, so I hope this came off as funny and sweet where it was intended to be. Warning for underage drug use. Please enjoy!

Linkara sighed with relief when the meeting was finally adjourned. It was no easy task being the Junior class representative for the student council, and although he enjoyed the challenge, sometimes those weekly meetings really gave him a headache. Especially on days when he’d already had a test in chemistry and still needed to finish his essay for one of his AP classes. It was on Greek mythology and due tomorrow.

Linkara started planning out the rest of his afternoon as he exited the building and headed into the parking lot. He lived only a few blocks from the school and was able to walk home on days when he needed to stay late for meetings. Or rather, he would have walked home if he hadn’t noticed a familiar car parked near the door.

“Spoony?” Linkara smiled a little and hurried over to where his boyfriend sat head banging to the radio. “What are you still doing here?” Spoony smiled back as Linkara climbed into the front seat and turned down the radio.

“I knew you were staying late today, so I figured I’d stay too and give you a ride.”

“Oh, Spoony, you didn’t have to do that,” Linkara said. Even though he was touched by the gesture, he still couldn’t help feeling a little guilty. “Isn’t today your only day off work? And you spent it sitting in a parking lot?”

“I spent it waiting for you,” Spoony corrected before he started the ignition. “Now that you’re here, we can finally have some fun. But before we do, you should call your mom and tell her you’re eating at my place tonight, so she won’t expect you back for a while.”

“Oh, great! I love eating with your folks.”

“We’re not eating with them.” Spoony’s smile grew mischievous. “They’re out of town and I’ve got the house to myself, so I’ve decided to take advantage of this opportunity to help you relax.”

Linkara’s expression quickly changed from surprise to uncertainty to concern.

“Uh, relax? Relax how, Spoony.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Spoony reassured him. “I know a guy who’s got it all covered.”

Linkara was genuinely perplexed now by the mention of another person.

“Oh, so… what?”

“Linkara, would you just trust me?” Linkara sighed and clutched his backpack to his chest.

“Fine, fine. You never tell me anything anyway.” Spoony laughed and turned the radio back on in response.

Linkara was soon sitting anxiously on Spoony’s bed, petting his boyfriend’s dog, as he waited for this mysterious person to arrive. It seemed like forever until Spoony led a slightly younger kid wearing sunglasses and a flannel shirt into his room.

“Linkara, this is 90s Kid. 90s Kid, this is Linkara.”

“Hey dude,” 90s Kid said with a wide smile. Linkara peered at him suspiciously while Oreo bounded over to greet the newcomer.

“Yeah, hey. So, where exactly did you two meet?”

“At the arcade at the mall,” 90s Kid said while stroking Oreo’s head. “Spoony is totally the Lord of Tekken, you know.”

“I am,” Spoony said, looking extremely proud by this proclamation.

“Right. So… why is he here?” 90s Kid’s smiled faltered and he glanced at Spoony.

“Dude, I thought you, like, said he was cool?”

“He is,” Spoony replied quickly. “I just haven’t told him what to be cool about yet.”

“Oh, okay.” 90s Kid reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag whose contents made Linkara pale.

“Is that marijuana?”

“Yeah, totally,” 90s Kid said with a laugh. Linkara turned to his boyfriend.

“Are you crazy? You want me to take drugs? Don’t you remember all those D.A.R.E. classes we took?” Spoony rolled his eyes and sat down on his bed.

“Look, Linkara, I know you’re usually Mr. Do-Gooder and everything, but you’ve really seemed stressed out lately and I know this will help. I would have suggested getting drunk, but I know you’re even more strongly against that, so this was the best I could do on short notice.”

“You really think smoking dope will help me relax?” Linkara asked. This seemed to amuse 90s Kid and Linkara quickly glared at him. “What’s so funny?”

“Just, like, the way you said that. ‘Smoking dope’. It was funny.” Linkara grew less amused with his merriment. “But seriously, dude, this stuff will totally help you relax. I smoke it sometimes, and I always end up completely chill.”

“How reassuring,” Linkara muttered, his eyes traveling down to the plastic baggie once again. “Spoony, I don’t know… are you sure it won’t do any permanent brain damage or anything?”

“90s Kid, what did you get on your last report card?”

“Solid Bs, dude.”

“I rest my case.” Linkara sighed and rubbed his temples.

“All right, fine, I’ll do it.” He was too tired to fight any longer. “It can’t be any worse than that time I was sick and got high on cough syrup.” 90s Kid looked intrigued and was about to ask for further information, but was silenced with a glare from Spoony.

Sometime later, the three were really starting to feel the effects of the pot as they lounged around Spoony’s smoke-filled bedroom. 90s Kid was curled up on a beanbag and stroking Oreo’s back in between bouts of giggling. Spoony was lying on his bed and shoveling Doritos into his mouth as if he were about to start fasting the next day. Linkara was sitting at Spoony’s desk and finding it difficult to focus on any thought for longer than a few seconds.

“I’m so sick of red,” he muttered after catching sight of a giant Stop sign hanging on Spoony’s wall. “It’s always going first in the rainbow, like it thinks it’s better than the other colors. What has red ever really done for us?”

“It’s been done to fucking death,” Spoony agreed. “Everywhere you look you find something red. Video games, movies, TV, comic books-all of them covered in fucking red.”

“Don’t get me started on comic books,” Linkara said. He was trying to look at Spoony, but there seemed to be two of his boyfriend lying on the bed so it was difficult to focus on the right one. “All my life I’ve been told that comics are a waste of time and money, but think about it. We spend all day in school learning about ancient crap like Greek mythology and then we realize-those guys are just like the guys in comics!”

“Wh-what?” Spoony seemed to be struggling to comprehend this idea so Linkara helpfully nodded his head emphatically.

“Yeah, yeah, see, Achilles represents grief for the people, just like Batman is always grieving over his dead parents. And Superman is like Apollo, because he flew around the sun to reverse time that one time, and Apollo raises the sun.”

“That dude is just like Princess Celestia,” 90s Kid chimed in. “She is awesome at raising the sun for all the little ponies.”

“Didn’t Superman come from a galaxy with a red sun?” Spoony wondered as he finished his Doritos and started tearing open a box of Twinkies.

“Yes!” Linkara bobbed his head up and down enough to knock his hat off. “But the red sun didn’t give him powers. That’s another reason why red should be taken down a peg!”

“Dude.” 90s Kid struggled to sit up in his beanbag. “All of the totally awesome heroes wear red. Like Superman, Superboy, Supergirl… Superman… uh… Superdude...”

“That guy sucks,” Spoony said. He finished sucking the cream out of his Twinkie and tossed the leftover cake part onto the floor. Oreo sniffed at it hopefully before turning away. “I’d much rather hang out with a babe like Wonder Woman. She could tie me up with her lasso of truth all night long.”

He and Linkara broke out into laughter at this admission before Linkara scrunched his face up in confusion.

“Wait, wait, wait, you want to be tied up? Like, for serious?”

“Yeah,” Spoony admitted, turning his bloodshot eyes to Linkara. “Don’t you think it’d be fun? I’d let you tie me up.”

“Wow.” Linkara blinked a few times as he struggled to formulate the words he wanted to say. “I never thought… you’d trust me that much… to let me tie you up, Spoony.” Spoony grinned and reached out to squeeze Linkara’s shoulder.

“I trust you, Linkara. Because you’re Linkara. You know, I go to school so I can see you, and I go to work so I have money to take you out, so I can see you more. Seeing you is… the best part of the day. Of every day.” He laughed a little. “Sometimes I even hate weekends because I can’t go to school and see you. But don’t tell anyone, or they’ll think I’m a dork.”

“You’re not a dork.” Spoony was surprised when he realized Linkara was suddenly standing over him. “You’re Spoony. You’re my Spoony.”

Spoony grinned and pulled Linkara onto the bed beside him, cuddling close to his boyfriend. He ran a hand through his hair and planted soft kisses along his neck in just the right way to make Linkara moan.

“My Spoony. I like that. Yeah. My Spoony.”

“My little Spoony, my little Spoony,” 90s Kid sang from across the room. They all cracked up after that and continued laughing on and off for a solid thirty minutes.

The next day, Linkara furiously finished his essay in the library at lunch and vowed never to do anything that could interfere with his grades again. He ended up getting a B- on the paper, along with a few notes from his teacher about how his comparison of the Greek gods to modern comic book heroes was an interesting enough theory to make up for the spelling and punctuation errors.

Linkara refused to acknowledge the part drugs played in this success, no matter how much Spoony teased him about it.

spoony, slash, fanfic, tgwtg, 90s kid, high school au, linkara

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