False Hope: Part 4

Nov 25, 2011 20:44

The last part in this series is complete! Now the explanation for why Mechakara is good in the Contrary AU is finally here! I am glad to have finished this at last, and I hope it proves a satisfying conclusion to what came before. This was very sad and hard to write, which is why I had to take breaks in between chapters, but I am glad I wrote this and I hope it is an enjoyable story to read. Please enjoy!

One thing I'll try to explain. The power of Linkara's Science Gun is almost the same as the transmutation alchemy used in the 'Fullmetal Alchemist' series, which is why it seems similar to magic. If you are familiar with that series, then it will be easier to understand how it works, but basically it is a metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy. Physical structures can be broken down into more malleable states and then reconstructed into new shapes, which is what happens to Pollo's eye plate in this section. I hope that makes it easier to understand.

The next morning, Pollo powered up and exited his cupboard much more slowly than he usually moved thanks to his cracked ocular plate. He wondered what tasks Insano would have for him that day, but he wasn’t especially eager to find out, since that would mean having to actually talk to the sorcerer and enduring a number of insults or belittlements. Normally Pollo was not bothered by verbal assaults, but after the day he’d he had yesterday, being constantly reminded that he was an abominable automaton was not something he could look forward to.

“Pollo.” Pollo turned around to find Linkara standing there. He looked very tired and somewhat pale, but he was smiling warmly at the robot.

“Linkara. Do you wish to speak to me?” Pollo eagerly hovered toward his friend and was surprised when Linkara pulled his small body into a hug.

“Yes, Pollo. I want to apologize for before. I didn’t mean to hurt you when I said all those stupid things, I was just very angry and upset. However, I shouldn’t have taken that anger out on you, Pollo. You’ve always been my friend and I’m sorry.”

“I accept your apology,” Pollo said as he moved his arms to touch the sides of Linkara’s neck. He had often witnessed hugs between Linkara and his human companions, but this was his first time receiving one and he wanted to respond correctly. “I’m glad that we can work together again.”

“Me too.” Linkara looked down at Pollo and his eyes widened. “What happened to your eye plate?”

“It was damaged yesterday,” Pollo said without further explanation. He hoped Linkara wouldn’t ask for clarification, because he didn’t want to recall the memories of his excursion into the woods.

Fortunately, Linkara didn’t ask any other questions. He just reached into his pocket, withdrew his Science Gun, and pointed the barrel against the damaged piece.

“Linkara, are you sure you want to use the last of your weapon’s power on me? Shouldn’t you save it for something more important?”

“Making sure my companion is in perfect working condition is important,” Linkara replied in a determined voice that told Pollo nothing could persuade him to change his mind. So he fell silent and watched Linkara gently pull the trigger. A sound like a small clap of thunder and a flash of light were emitted from the gun seconds before Pollo’s ocular plate was completely restored to its previous condition.

“Thank you, Linkara,” Pollo said, looking up at his friend with perfect vision once again.

“No problem.” Linkara pocketed his gun. It was useless now, but there was no way he would throw it away. “Now, let’s get back to my room. I’m trying to read through Insano’s magic books and looking for some spell or enchantment that can help us with this battle.”

“Okay, Linkara. I will do my best to help you.” Linkara smiled and patted Pollo’s head. Pollo was not used to Linkara showing him such affection, but he understood illogical human interactions enough to realize it meant Linkara was trying to make up for his past actions, so he didn’t mind. If he was speaking honestly, he actually enjoyed these physical touches.

Several days passed in relative tranquility. Pollo didn’t dare venture outside again, choosing instead to remain close to Linkara as they poured over ancient tomes filled with complicated magic. They didn’t talk much as they read, unless one of them recited a spell they felt had potential to help them. None of the spells proved to be successful, or even possible to perform without a great deal of items and assistance from other magic users. Insano was the only sorcerer they knew, and it was most likely that any other surviving spell-casters had fled or hidden themselves from the robotic onslaught.

Pollo did decide to tell Linkara about the enchanted fire he had found in the dungeons, in as few details as possible, since he thought bringing up the robot who’d killed Spoony would not be a wise decision. While Linkara was interested by the properties of a fire strong enough to disorient and destroy all robots, he agreed with Pollo that it was too risky to use.

“A fire that can’t be extinguished by water or any common substance and which must be controlled at all times is extremely dangerous. I don’t want to risk burning innocent people or animals while we go after these machines, and I don’t think the two of us would be able to be in command of such a fire at all times.”

Pollo thought it strange that Linkara said two instead of three, until he realized Linkara was avoiding Insano at all costs, and Insano was avoiding them as well. While he didn’t talk much about the day Pollo spent in the woods, apparently something had happened in the robot’s absence, but neither Linkara nor Insano seemed willing to discuss it. This was fine with Pollo, who preferred filling his memory banks with data about magic, or cleaning Linkara’s room and performing chores like collecting food from the kitchen for him. He needed to do something to keep his thought processes occupied. He didn’t want to remember burning automaton parts, or Sparky, or the scared couple and where they might have gone.

Pollo was also given instructions to observe Insano every day. Linkara still did not trust the sorcerer enough to leave him alone for long, but since he was still avoiding him, the job was passed to Pollo. He eagerly accepted the task and watched Insano from afar several times a day. Pollo soon discovered that Insano was brewing something in his largest dungeon cell. It must have been a very important potion, since Insano would spend hours locked in that cell with a large, black cauldron that emitted a thick, pale green smoke. When he told Linkara about this, the comic lover merely nodded.

“I figured as much. Just let me know when he’s done, okay?” Pollo could not interpret the look on Linkara’s face, but he knew this was an important mission and resolved not to let his companion down. For three days Pollo observed Insano stirring his potion and muttering softly under his breath; on the fourth day, Pollo found the sorcerer cackling madly over a bubbling cauldron with smoke that billowed bright green, and he knew something exciting was going to happen. He quickly alerted Linkara about the present state of affairs.

“So he’s done.” Linkara adjusted his hat and sighed.

“Linkara, do you know what Insano is planning to do with this potion?” Linkara was silent a moment before he spoke slowly.

“I believe I do. It’s a potion that’s going to change everything. If it works, we will no longer have to fight.”

“You mean it’s a potion that can help us defeat the automatons?” Pollo felt a jolt of electricity flow through him at this possibility. He would do anything to end this horrible war and prevent the deaths of even one more innocent. Linkara didn’t answer, instead standing up and walking over to the window.

“Pollo, we’re going to talk to Insano now. Can you go on ahead? I need a minute to myself.”

“Of course, Linkara.” Pollo wished he could better understand the thoughts and emotions of humans, but they remained as elusive to him as ever. He quickly hovered down to the dungeons and over to the noisiest cell.

“At last, it is complete! It has taken all of my genius, and all of my resources, but I don’t care because it’s done! I will finally be rid of those pests once and for all!”

“What kind of potion have you made, Insano?” Pollo picked the lock to the cell, like he could have at any time, and hovered closer to Insano, causing him to jump.

“Curse you, tiny abomination!” he snapped as he adjusted his goggles. “Do not sneak up on me like that!”

“What pests will this potion help you rid yourself of? The automatons?” Pollo hovered closer to the cauldron and peered at the churning contents within. Insano quickly pushed him away from it.

“Keep back from that, unless you want to experience the sensation of melting! No one can touch even one drop of this potion, not even a perversion of nature such as yourself.”

“Then how will you be able to use it?” Pollo asked. Insano wrung his pale hands together and coughed nervously.

“Well, in order to utilize the effects, I will need to pour the potion over another item of equal or greater magical power. After I do that, anyone will be able to wield that item and benefit from its magnificent power!”

“So you need another item to pour this over? Pollo asked. Insano nodded. “Tell me where the item is located and I will bring it to you.”

“Well, I would tell you,” Insano began, still playing with his fingers, “but unfortunately all of my possessions suitable for such a task are, er, in another castle.”

“Meaning you don’t have any,” Pollo replied. Insano snarled at him.

“It’s not my fault they were snatched away by do-gooding knights and heroes while I was busy trying to take over the world!”

“So, what should we do?” Pollo continued, ignoring the rage Insano was working himself into as he denounced the forces of good. “Will I need to go outside and search for a magical item strong enough to withstand this potion?”

He really did not want to venture outside the castle, since every day the air grew thicker from the silver smoke which arose from the surrounding forest, and he could hear the mechanical hum of his robot brethren drawing closer, but if there was no other way to use the potion, Pollo would have to make the trip.

“Actually, you are in luck,” Insano said, interrupting the robot’s reasoning processes. “There happens to be an artifact bearing immense magical power right here in the castle.” Pollo looked at him, unable to understand what he was saying.

“He means this.” The two turned as Linkara walked into the dungeons and headed toward them. He was staring grimly at Insano, with one hand resting atop his beloved Trilby.

“Linkara, what are you talking about?” Linkara didn’t answer until he reached the two and pulled off his hat, cradling it carefully in his hands.

“How did you know?” he asked, staring directly at Insano.

“Of course I knew,” Insano replied, rolling his eyes behind his goggles. “The fact that it never showed any hints of wear or tear no matter how many battles you entered with it perched atop that melon of yours was my first clue. Once you were staying here in the castle, it was easy for me to cast a spell of revelation that showed me just how powerful the magic imbued in this hat really is.” Insano arched a brow then. “So, hero, you, the great defender and lover of all things scientific, knew all along that you hat contained the properties of magic? I’d love to hear the story of how that all came to be.”

“I’m sure you would,” Linkara said coldly. “But there’s no way in hell I’d ever tell any of that story to you, Insano, so don’t even bother trying to find out. Just pour the potion over it so that we can get back out there and finish off those robots once and for all. I have to make sure Pollo is finally safe from them.” While Insano looked offended by Linkara’s words, Pollo turned to his companion.

“Do you mean that, Linkara? You are worried for me?” Linkara offered him a soft smile that Pollo would never forget for the rest of his existence.

“Of course, Pollo. You’re not just my robot buddy; you’re my partner, and the only one I can truly depend on anymore. You’re what’s most important to me.” Pollo could feel a slight jolt travel through his circuits with these words and was prepared to stand with Linkara until the end of time itself came.

“Let’s hurry and plan our next strategy, Linkara.”

“As soon as Insano makes good on his word,” Linkara said, turning back to the sorcerer. “Hurry up and do what you need to do, but remember that I’ll be here, watching your every move. If you try to pull any funny business, I’ll send the last traces of energy from my Science Gun into your brain.” He held out his hat to Insano with a grim expression.

“What kind of a hero threatens people who help him?” Insano muttered, but he did indeed use his magic to levitate the Trilby over to the cauldron and gently dipped it into the bubbling liquid for a solid minute. A loud hissing sound pierced the still air of the castle until the hat was pulled back up out of the pot. It seemed entirely unchanged and didn’t even drip as it floated through the air back toward Linkara’s hands.

“Did it work?” Pollo asked, which made Insano scowl.

“Of course it worked! I am a magical genius!”

“So, it’s safe to touch it then?” Linkara looked skeptically at the hat.

“Yes, yes, the potion is no longer deadly to you,” Insano said. Linkara reached out toward the hat but hesitated. “Oh, if you’re such a coward, I’ll touch it first and prove that you’ll be fine!” Insano’s hand darted out into the air, but came up empty when Linkara pulled the hat away before he could touch it.

“It doesn’t feel any different,” he said as he ran his fingers over its soft material. Linkara then put his hat back on his head and waited. “Nope, feels exactly the same.”

“Yes, well, there is still one more component to make it work,” Insano explained as he lifted the cauldron into the air with his magic. “You must chant one set of words before the spell is activated.” He walked with the cauldron over to a window and peered outside for a moment before perching the large pot on the wall overlooking the path the three had taken to reach the castle. Linkara noticed this but Pollo was too busy hovering close to his Trilby to see.

“I never realized your hat was magical,” he told his companion. “What magical properties does it contain, Linkara?”

“Oh, several protection spells, a cloaking spell so I can blend in with my surroundings if necessary, and a spell to keep it from being damaged, of course.” Linkara smiled fondly, as if remembering some incident relating to his Trilby and its many enchantments, but started when Insano floated a book into his hands.

“Hurry up and recite the words,” Insano instructed, magically flipping to a specific page. “You don’t want to wait for too long, or you’ll need to soak your hat again.”

“All right. Do we both need to say the words?” Pollo asked, eager to proceed.

“Yes, you both must recite them together or else-”

“We’ll be left behind here when the seals between dimensions open?” Linkara finished. Pollo looked at him, puzzled by this, but Linkara was too busy staring at the flabbergasted Insano to notice.

“H-how did you know?”

“Because there is no magic capable of defeating the automatons,” Linkara replied, casually pointing his finger to the page containing the potion Insano had just created. “The untreated potion for the dimension-crossing spell is one of the only thing capable of destroying large numbers of robots, but it doesn’t last for more than a few hours after being created, and the ingredients it requires for completion are either rare or almost impossible to find. You were lucky enough to make even this batch, weren’t you, Insano?”

“How dare you read my books without my permission?!” Insano snatched back the tome and held it protectively against his chest.

“I was trapped in here for days. What else was I supposed to do?” Linkara asked with a shrug.

“Does this mean you agree to travel to another world, Linkara?” Pollo asked, already trying to analyze the comic lover’s expression. He hadn’t seriously considered leaving after Linkara’s speech that first night in the castle, but after mulling over the possibilities of starting a new life together in a world where humans and automatons lived in peace, Pollo found the desire to escape this world growing stronger inside him. Linkara looked at him, his expression once again difficult to interpret.

“Pollo, I want-”

“Curses! They’re here!” The two turned to Insano, who was staring out the window and into the forest. In the distance, a large mass of robotic beings could be seen swarming closer to the castle and burning down all manner of foliage in their path. “You two must depart quickly!”

“Are you planning to stay here?” Linkara asked, moving his studious gaze to Insano.

“Of course. This castle is my home, and I will defend it until I am no longer able to draw breath.” Pollo noticed that Linkara’s expression shifted for a second, where he displayed what could be identified as pride for his mortal enemy, before he solemnly turned to Pollo.

“Come on, Pollo.”

“Linkara, aren’t you going to say good-bye?” Pollo turned his gaze upwards, where he knew Spoony’s body still lay peacefully on the stone slab in one of Insano’s rooms. As much as Insano insisted Spoony should be buried, Linkara refused to let him be moved, and so the sorcerer was forced to sprinkle several powders and elixirs on him to preserve Spoony in his current form.

“I’ve already said good-bye,” Linkara said, closing his eyes, his voice trembling. “I can’t… there’s nothing else I can say.”

“Then we should go quickly.” Pollo did not want to see Linkara suffer any longer. He didn’t know what this new world would be like, but it was their only chance to ever see any of their friends again, and Pollo wanted more than anything for Linkara to be reunited with the people he loved. No, the people they loved.

“Each of you needs to touch the hat while you recite the spell,” Insano called out to them. He was leaning halfway out the window now, and had pulled out his thin, wooden wand from somewhere, which he was twirling around in front of his face to produce thin streams of blue and purple energy. “Once you say the last word, you will feel the sensation of being lifted into the air and then being hurtled through space at an immense speed. Do not ever stop touching that hat until the spell ends and you have both landed on solid ground.” Insano glanced back at them then, his expression grave. “If you fail to hold onto your hat, you may be lost in the ether between universes for the rest of time. No one will be able to save you then.”

“I understand,” Pollo said, hovering up to settle firmly on the top of the Trilby. Linkara nodded and kept one hand tightly gripped against the brim.

“Good. Now, recite the spell exactly as written in a loud, clear voice.” An explosion from outside drew the sorcerer’s attention then, and he aimed his wand up into the sky. “I need to focus on defeating these mechanical atrocities, so get on with it. You’ll only distract me anyway.”

“Thank you, Insano,” Pollo said as he and Linkara looked down at the book and started to chant. For being an evil sorcerer who wanted to rule the world, he really could come through in a crisis. The two continued chanting, trying to ignore the crackles of electricity and mechanical buzzing that lit up the air as Insano shot more bolts of energy from his wand and poured the remnants of his potion over automatons that drew too close to his castle.

Pollo kept his visual sensors on the book and finally they settled upon the last word of the spell. As much as a robot could, he shouted the word with all his might, and at once watched his body become enveloped in yellow light. Then Pollo realized that his had been the only voice to speak that final utterance and he stared over at Linkara, who was looking down.


“I’m sorry, Pollo,” Linkara said, wearing the saddest of smiles. “But I can’t leave behind everyone I love. I have to fight to protect their memories, and the world they loved so dearly, to the very end. It isn’t fair of me to ask you to stay and fight against your own kind, so please try and make a new life for yourself in this new world. And take good care of my hat,” he said as he set the Trilby on the floor. “It should still be able to protect and cloak you as long as you wear it.”

“Linkara, no, please.” Pollo tried to float up into the air, but the yellow light was blinding him and he felt like he was being pulled down by gravity itself.

“Good-bye, my friend.” Pollo discerned that Linkara had pulled out his empty Science Gun and was moving toward the same window where Insano was positioned. He tried to call out again, but then the world was gone and there was only blackness and a loud, whooshing sound assaulting his aural sensors. Pollo made sure to grip the Trilby tightly until the noise and the dark were gone.


An indefinite amount of time passed and Pollo powered up again. He quickly determined from the boarded up windows and thick layers of dust covering every available surface that he was presently inside an abandoned house. He cautiously hovered an inch into the air, keeping one hand firmly grasping the top of Linkara’s hat, before heading toward one of the windows. Pollo managed to pry one of the boards off and peered outside.

“A city,” he said as he observed the small, bustling metropolis. Everywhere he looked Pollo could spot people hurrying in and out of enormous buildings, whizzing around busy highways in cars and busses, and utilizing cell phones, computers, and any number of technological devices.

“So, this world has not been subjected to a robotic uprising,” Pollo deduced. “I have not even seen any automatons with my level of intelligence so far.”

This perturbed the small robot. What if he was too different from the citizens of this world to fit in? What if he became an outcast? Without Linkara at his side to offer his advice, a number of horrific scenarios passed through Pollo’s circuits, as well as the realization that he was truly alone.

“Linkara. Why did you leave me? I wanted to be together with you through good times and bad times. Even if I had to be destroyed, for you I would have allowed it.” Pollo found it difficult to think. His memory banks were filled with images and audio of Linkara, and he could not stop himself from replaying conversations and encounters through his circuits.

“Wait. Linkara. He might exist in this universe.” Pollo felt another jolt of electricity as he realized he might be able to find his friend, all his friends actually, alive and well in this world. “I must go search for him at once. I need to find a computer.”

Pollo was about to float out the window, when he remembered he would need to blend in with the mechanics of this universe if he intended to live in peace. Then he remembered what he was holding.

“Linkara told me his hat contained cloaking magic. If I wear it, I may be able to move around without difficulty.” Pollo looked down at the Trilby and noticed a small rip along the top, where he had been holding onto it during his journey. “Oh no. If this has damaged the hat, the spells may not work either.”

Pollo knew there was nothing he could do besides determine what damage had been done to the Trilby, so he slipped it over his head and waited. Nothing seemed to happen.

“This is not good. I may have damaged Linkara’s hat permanently.” Pollo started to float through the house, not entirely sure of where he was going, when he spotted the bathroom. He floated inside and stared at the reflection staring back at him in the mirror.
It was Linkara. From the hair to the clothes to the skin, it was Linkara. Only, it wasn’t Linkara, because a piece of skin around his eye had been removed to reveal the robotic sensor of Pollo. Pollo brought his hands up to touch his face, and noticed in the mirror that while one hand seemed to be a perfect replica of Linkara’s fleshy appendage, the other was exactly his own, metallic and grey. Pollo examined himself further in the reflection and concluded that aside from those two patches of reality, the rest of his body was perfectly camouflaged as Linkara.

“It’s not perfect, but I should be able to hide these flaws and move around without incident.” Pollo wondered how this world’s Linkara would react to meeting a person who looked exactly like himself. Perhaps it wouldn’t bother him, the way it never seemed to bother Spoony and Insano that they looked identical. Perhaps it would trouble this Linkara to learn he was Pollo from an alternate universe.

“Then I won’t be Pollo. I will select a name that is more fitting.” Pollo continued to stare at his reflection, somewhat entranced by the merging of human flesh and robotic metal across his face. “Perhaps my name should reflect this new union.” Pollo thought for a moment before it came to him.

“Mechakara.” It would be an honor to keep part of Linkara’s name alive, just in case he was not to be found in this universe. While Pollo didn’t know what he would discover when he ventured outside, he was determined to do his oldest, greatest friend proud.

“I promise, Linkara, I won’t let you down ever again.”

au, fanfic, pollo, tgwtg, linkara, insano, contrary au

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