The Most Exquisite Ink

Aug 07, 2011 00:51

Whew, I finally finished this. This story was inspired by a prompt on the kink meme asking for Angry Joe doing pen-play, which is where you write or draw all over someone's body. I was intrigued by the idea and decided to give it a shot. Someone already did an official fill, so I decided to suit mine toward a roleplay universe I do with njdoodler112. In this universe, Cinema Snob and Joe are a few years younger and dating each other; Joe is on the run from the police for arson and murder and Snob's a college student who reviews movies for the paper. I thought this might be a sweet moment they would have in-between the tense meetings with Detective Vargas and all the other stuff that happens in that world.

The title is a line Josie said in a game of 'Film and Theater Styles' where she was telling Ryan she was pregnant. It makes more sense in context, I promise.

Angry Joe is not the sort of man who considers himself cuddly, and definitely isn’t the sort of man that others would consider as such. It’s not that he isn’t attractive, for most people think he has a very cute face, fluffy hair that’s nice to run your fingers through, and a well-toned body that looks very good in black. It isn’t his appearance that makes strangers feel colder and quicken their pace when they dare to glance at him on the street; it’s the way his eyes, dark and often lacking emotion, seem to peer through anyone whose gaze they catch; it’s the way he carries himself, his fingers always fiddling with a lighter, his smile always grim and tightly drawn, as if challenging the world to throw him the worst challenges it can muster; and it’s the very aura he emits, a mixture of icy indifference and fiery anger that could very easily be unleashed on anyone who crosses his path.

Joe is very proud of the reputation he’s garnered after years of grueling work. He likes to be seen as menacing, as dangerous, as someone who should not be fucked around with under any circumstances. When he and his crew roam through the black of night, he likes to imagine his hardened gaze is enough to ward off any gang member looking for a fight, and when they leave the scene of a blazing building, he likes to believe it’s the strength of his own will which keeps the police from coming close to catching him.

However, as Joe lies under a blanket with the Cinema Snob curled up at his side, whose head is resting gently on his chest, while they watch a movie on the TV in the Snob’s dorm room, he starts to consider this possibility. When the Snob gives a soft sigh of content and runs a hand along his thigh, Joe realizes he is actually starting to like the idea.

“You having a good time?” he asks with a small smile. The Snob glances up at him, also grinning.

“Well, this movie’s pretty much shit, but the company certainly more than makes up for it.” Joe chuckles and moves his hand to stroke across the Snob’s chest.

“Really? I know I’m not much of an expert like you when it comes to movies, but I thought this one was pretty good.” The Snob scoffs.

“Yeah, good if you think shoving the numbers 666 and a shitload of anti-American slogans into every scene somehow constitutes highly symbolic commentary instead of being the crap sandwiches moronic audiences love eat up for how simple and blunt they are,” the Snob replies without thinking. Then his face scrunches in embarrassment. “Not that I was implying you were a moron. God, I have to learn to shut my big mouth sometimes.”

“Nah, it’s all right,” Joe says as he leans down to peck the Snob’s forehead. “I know I’m a dummy when it comes to stuff like that, so it’s cool. That’s why I need you, so I can tell what’s good cinema and what isn’t.”

“You talk like I’m some expert,” the Snob says, his face flushing a bit at the compliment. “If you like something, just like it and don’t worry about what others think. The only opinion you can really trust is your own, after all.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Joe wraps his arms around the Snob’s chest and holds him tightly. “I did like that movie we watched last week. The one about the Japanese chick who like writing on that guy and shit.”

“You mean ‘The Pillowbook’?” the Snob asks in slight surprise. “I thought you were sort of bored with that one, judging by how quickly you fell asleep after it ended.”

“Well, it was a little slower than I usually like a movie to be,” Joe admits as he thinks back on it, “but it was pretty hot. I actually had a dream about that writing stuff.”

“Oh?” The Snob tries to glance casually at Joe but fails to hide his curiosity. “And who was involved in that dream, pray tell?” Joe’s smile turns teasing.

“Well, let’s see if I can remember… I’m pretty sure I was there, and I was writing all over this gorgeous guy’s body, but damned if I can recall what his face looked like…”

“Oh Christ,” the Snob says, closing his eyes and looking away. “I’d hate to think how huge that canvas must have looked.”

“What are you talking about?” Joe shifts to better see the other man’s face. “You looked the same in my dream as you do now.”

“Yeah, and I’m not exactly skin and bones, am I?” the Snob says as he runs a hand down his chest and stomach. “I really should be trying to work out more, I know.”

“Are you crazy?” Joe asks, incredulity coloring his voice. “You look fine, you look perfect actually.” He moves his hands down to squeeze the Snob’s stomach and waist, making him squirm and shudder. “You’re like… my own cuddly teddy bear.” He blushes slightly after he speaks, not meaning to have revealed his earlier mushy thoughts, but he can’t help himself after hearing such negativity from the man he loves.
“Cuddly? That’s just a cute way of saying fat,” the Snob mutters. Joe’s lips press together and he’s quiet for a moment.

“What if I said I wanted to do that?” The Snob turns to him, obviously confused. “What if I wanted to write on you, like that lady in the movie did? Would you say yes?”

“Oh.” The Snob looks caught off -guard by the suggestion and stares down at his chest. “I don’t know, Joe-”

“Please?” The Snob looks back up, surprised, for Joe rarely ever begs like this. “It would mean a lot to me, ok?” Joe’s cheeks redden as he speaks, which seems to be enough to convince his boyfriend.

“Well, if you really want to.” Joe nods and the two climb out of bed. The Snob starts to undress while Joe searches around in his desk before finding the perfect black marker. He uncaps it and brings it up to his face, inhaling its strong scent with relish, before turning back to the Snob, who is fidgeting nervously as he stands naked before him.

“Uh, so what would you like me to do?” he asks, staring down at the ground. Joe thinks for a moment.

“Lie down flat on your stomach.” The Snob nods and obeys, while Joe takes off his jacket. He settles himself on the Snob’s lower back, each leg nestled beside his hips, and brings one hand down over the other man’s back. The Snob jumps at the touch before moaning as soft fingertips press against his pale flesh and trail up and down his back.

“That feels nice,” he murmurs, his eyes closing automatically.

“Good,” Joe says as he brings down the marker over the Snob’s left shoulder. “I hope this does too.” He presses the marker into his skin, not hard enough to hurt thanks to its broad, flattened tip, and starts to form the letters of a word.

“T-this feels fucking w-weird,” the Snob stutters under him, writhing and gasping as the pen strokes along his skin. Joe makes a noise of agreement and continues to trace along the curves of his back as he writes. “What are y-you writing anyw-way?”

“Making a list,” Joe says as he lowers his arm and examines how legible INTELLIGENT looks inked from one shoulder to the next. Satisfied, he lowers the marker and starts a new word.

“A list?” The Snob sound puzzled and tries to tilt his neck back to catch a glimpse, but Joe quickly catches his chin and gently pushes it back.

“Uh uh, you can’t see ‘til I’m done,” he teases as he finishes SEXY and starts to write his third word, FUNNY. The Snob huffs in slight annoyance.

“I won’t be able to see any of it if you only write on my back.”

“Don’t worry, sweetness, I’ve have many ideas for places where I can practice my penmanship.” Joe chuckles as the Snob seems to tense under him at that revelation. He finishes writing TRUSTWORTHY and CUDDLY, and shifts down so that he has full view of the Snob’s ass.

“Oh shit!” The Snob squirms even more as he feels the marker trace letters upon his cheeks. “S-stop that!”

“Almost done,” Joe says as he writes the final letter on CUTE-ASS. The Snob has developed goose bumps along his skin and Joe traces his fingers over them before rubbing the small of his back gently. The Snob arches up and sighs at the soothing sensation, then moans as the marker tip starts to swirl over it.

“W-what is that?” Joe grins as he fills in the large heart he’s drawn at the very smallest part of the Snob’s back before writing above it LOVING.

“You’ll see in good time, my sweet.” After failed attempts at scrawling along the Snob’s legs, which lead to shrill shrieks of laughter and Joe almost being kicked in the nose, he moves to write LOVING and STYLISH on the backs of his arms.

“Ok, I think that’s all the space available on this side,” Joe says after scribbling GOOD-AT-FUCKING (which totally counts as one word if you used hyphens) on the nape of the Snob’s neck. The other man shudders as the warm breath blows over his skin. “If you would be so kind as to turn over, Snob, I should be done soon.”

“So, are you going to tell me what kind of list this is?” The Snob asks again as he repositions himself under his boyfriend. Joe can’t help noticing his flushed, sweaty skin and finds himself growing aroused.

“I will, after I’ve finished,” he says as he moves the marker down to the Snob’s stomach. It quivers before it’s even touched and the Snob sucks in a breath. “Jeez, you’re so sensitive, Snob.”

“I can’t help that-gah!” The Snob grips tightly at his headboard while Joe writes the word DELICIOUS across his stomach in large letters, each of which make the Snob tremble and bite down on his tongue. When he’s finished, Joe draws an arrow pointing from the Snob’s navel to his crotch, and is almost bucked off the bed.

“Damn, that hurt,” he says as he rubs his behind. The Snob can’t help rolling his eyes.

“I’m so sorry for my body’s uncontrollable reactions to being assaulted with a marker,” he snarks, which just makes Joe laugh.

“It’s fine. You’re really fucking adorable when you lose control like that anyway.”

“Thanks,” the Snob mutters as he blushes again. “So, done now?”

“Patience, love, patience.” Joe quickly scrawls SENSITIVE down the front of one arm and DESERVING down the other, before turning his attentions to the Snob’s chest. The Snob is clearly watching him now and he hesitates before catching his gaze. “Can you just… not look when I write this last part? I promise, it’s the last one, and then you can read them all.”

“I guess I’ll have to walk outside and look in the mirror,” the Snob murmurs as he slips off his glasses. “I’m just glad Dan is at his boyfriend’s for the weekend, or he’d never let me live this down.”

Joe chuckles as he moves his marker over the Snob’s heart and writes not one but several words, this time letting his hands shake a little and making the letters smaller, so that they are more difficult to make out.

“Ok, I’m done. Let me take you outside.” Joe grabs Snob’s glasses before the other man can and leads him by the hand out into the hallway. “Do the back first,” Joe instructs as he hands the Snob back his glasses.

“Fine.” The Snob turns and looks over his shoulder to see at last what has been marked upon his skin.

“It’s a list,” Joe repeats, looking away in embarrassment. “A list of all the amazing stuff about you. Stuff that’s always been true.”

The Snob is silent as he reads each word, with only his lips twitching or his face reddening in response to each new descriptor. Finally, he finishes and turns around without bothering to ask if he can. When he gets to the smaller writing on his chest, the Snob steps closer to the mirror and squints at the letters.

“Too Good For Me, But Loves Me Anyway.”

“Did you see ‘cuddly’?” Joe asks, still looking away. “I like that word because it means when I hold you, you’ll keep me warm all night-”

He’s cut off by the Snob pressing his lips to his and wrapping his arms around him. Joe eagerly kisses back, but the Snob pulls away before he can deepen it as much as he’d like and darts back into his bedroom.

“Where are you-”

“You forgot one.” The Snob returns with the marker and places it in Joe’s hand before maneuvering it back onto his chest. Joe looks to him in surprise.

“I forgot one?” The Snob nods and guides his hands to ink one last word upon him.


Joe stares at the word as if he can’t quite believe it’s there before slowly looking back up at the Snob.

“This has also always been true,” he whispers, his voice husky. Joe drops the marker and presses close to the Snob, running his hands all over his skin, all over the words, gently, protectively, wanting to make certain they will not ever disappear.

He wonders if the Snob would ever write ‘cuddly’ on his back. He thinks about it as they collapse onto the bed and decides yes, the Snob would, and that he would wear it proudly.

au, slash, fanfic, tgwtg, angry joe, cinema snob

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