Splash... Splish...

Jul 21, 2011 14:08

A little ficlet to show that I do write pairings that aren't slash every now and then. This is for the prompt of Nella and JewWario being an adorable fun couple together and the Chick being jealous. I did really love the Interstella 5555 review and hops to see more from any combination of those four in future videos!

The title comes from a Film and Theater Styles playing with Ryan and Coin. They were snorkeling and the style Erotic Thriller popped up, and so did this amazing piece of dialogue. I wish they had done Erotic Thrillers more on Whose Line. Or that the TGWTG crew would make one. I wish a lot of things.


There was a smattering of giggles before JewWario called back “Polo!” Nella was already zooming right to him, though, her arms outstretched and flailing wildly as she chased JewWario around the hotel pool. JewWario made one last attempt to swim away but he just could not stop giggling and soon enough Nella had her arms wrapped around him.

“Gotcha!” Nella started to giggle as well as she pulled JewWario in for a quick kiss. “So, now what do you want to play?”

“I’m actually feeling a little cold,” JewWario admitted. “Why don’t we go back to my room and watch some more movies?”

“I can already smell the fun from here,” Nella declared as they left the pool and started to towel off. Make that, started to towel each other off, along with eliciting a fresh batch of giggles.
From a lounge chair on the other side of the pool, the Nostalgia Chick purposely did not look at either of the two. It wasn’t that she was jealous, oh no; she hadn’t been jealous earlier when Nella and JewWario fed each other breakfast in some sickening display that almost made her lose her appetite, or when Nella got her new beau to help her enact another rendition of ‘My Little Pony’ theater, and she most definitely wasn’t jealous now.

She was just feeling sick. That’s why the other reviewers would not step within a ten-foot radius of her, because she was sick, and not because she almost took Film Brain’s head off when he mentioned how cute Nella and JewWario looked together when they shared one smoothie with two straws.

“Hey, Chick!” She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Nella call her name and turned toward them, trying not to frown when she noticed they were holding hands. “We’re going up to J-Dub’s room now for a while. I just wanted to ask: are you were feeling better?”

“Yeah, I’m ok.”

“Oh good,” JewWario added with a friendly smile. “If you feel up to it later, Nella and I are going to have another dance party tonight, so why don’t you try to stop by?”

“I think I will.” The Chick couldn’t help smiling as she replied. As much as she hated to admit it, Nella did look truly happy now, and JewWario was a wonderful guy.

“Great,” Nella said, now swinging her and JewWario’s entwined hands happily. “If we’re going to have people over, though, we should probably go shopping.”

“Good idea. We’ll get changed and then hit Target,” JewWario suggested. Then his expression turned mischievous. “Last one to the car has to pay!”

“Hey!” Nella yelled as he sped off toward the elevator. She took off after him, and the whole first floor of the hotel was soon flooded with laughter.

The Chick shook her head and reached to the table for very alcoholic drink. She was going to be drinking a lot in the near future.

nostalgia chick, jewwario, nella, fanfic, het, tgwtg

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