How Was That, Cowboy?

Apr 12, 2011 19:51

This was for the prompt of Paw and Skitch the morning after a night of rough sex. I seem to like pairing Paw up with different people, though I don't really know why. He is cute enough for all these people to want him :)

The title was a line Ryan said to Jeff in Questions Only. There were many lines I could have used but this was the first to pop into my mind.

Paw groaned as a ray of sunlight assaulted his eyes. He rolled onto his side and pulled the covers over his head.

“Uh uh, time to rise and shine, sleepy head.” Paw groaned even more as his warm blankets were ripped away and he peered up with bleary eyes into the smiling face of Skitch.

“How can you still have so much energy?” he mumbled before releasing a huge yawn. “We were up until almost four last night.” Skitch grinned and sat down on the bed beside the music guru.

“Actually it was closer to four-thirty,” he said, tracing a pattern along Paw’s bare arm. “So, how are you feeling?”

“Like I got hit by a truck,” Paw admitted. He stretched his long limbs and forced himself to sit up before promptly laying his head against Skitch’s shoulder. “My wrists are killing me too.”

“Let me see.” Skitch lifted Paw’s hand and lightly pressed against the reddened skin. “We should really think about investing in a pair of those fur-lined handcuffs.”

“I’m sure that would be money well spent,” Paw agreed as he ran his fingers through the other man’s long hair. A scratch on Skitch’s neck made Paw frown and lean in closer. “Did I do this?”

“That’s not all you did.” Skitch lifted his shirt to display the array of scratches and bite marks covering his torso.

“God, I didn’t realize I was so rough with you,” Paw said in a concerned tone as he ran thin fingers over each wound. “Do they hurt?” Skitch winced when he pressed a sore spot on his ribs.

“Only when you do that.”

“I’m sorry.” Paw swiftly withdrew his hand but it was caught by Skitch’s.

“Hey, don’t look like that,” he said in a soft tone. “Nothing happened to me last night that I didn’t want, ok?”

“I don’t think you wanted your body to look like it was attacked by a rabid monkey,” Paw said sourly. In response, Skitch leaned over and kissed him.

“If this is the price I have to pay for the best sex I’ve ever had, then I will proudly bear these scars,” he told Paw, who couldn’t help but look pleased by those words. “Now, hurry up and get dressed,” Skitch said as he stood up and headed for the bathroom.

“Ok. By the way,” Paw said as he started to search around the room, “have you seen my headphones?”

“They’re in here,” Skitch called before reappearing with them. “They were hanging from the shower head.” Paw smiled as he remembered the previous night.

“You wouldn’t think two people could fit in these hotel bathtubs.”

slash, fanfic, tgwtg, paw, skitch

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