I'm still here!

Sep 27, 2010 01:18

Wow so... I think I've completely neglected this LJ. Bad, bad me!

After everything I've said about hating Facebook, I've more or less become a Facebook addict. Not to any of the stupid games, but most friends seem to be on there nowadays as well. Plus I was made "facebook fan-page manager" at work, so I had to learn all about it, and seem to only have the time to update one social-media thing! (I got sick of Twitter pretty fast.)

So yeah, what's new? In a nutshell:

1) we finally got a place to rent, so we stopped annoying the in-laws and moved out. It's an old-ish house but they allow our dog inside, which is fantastic. There used to be a Great Dane that lived here, and left scratches all over the floor - so the owners totally don't mind one small Cocker-Spaniel :)

2) I became a member of the Queensland Wildlife Artists Society, which is a fantastic group of professional artists working towards promoting wildlife conservation through art. I sold a painting at my very first exhibition with them, which was at the Logan Art Gallery in July! :) I'm so, so excited to be part of this group! I've actually got one more new piece being exhibited this week with them, at Kenilworth, QLD, and as a group we are donating 5% from all artworks sold, to Wildlife Warriors' koala research project. And we have another exhibition in Brisbane coming up later this year. I love being a wildlife artist!

And speaking of art, without further ado, here's some new work on my website, or under the LJ-cut:


(Mandarin Duck - watercolour and ink - this is the one that sold at the QWASI Logan Art Gallery exhibition earlier)

(Laughing Kookaburras - watercolour and ink - exhibited at Logan, currently being exhibited with QWASI at Kenilworth)

(Thoughtful Koala - pen and ink - currently being exhibited at Kenilworth)
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