"Officer, porn stars broke into my house and molested my dog's ears!"

Oct 12, 2008 22:28

No, not really. But conversations around here run like this:

ME: So, BigBoy's* ears were kinda crusty and itchy again, so if it looks like someone broke into the house, jizzed in his ears, and left, don't call Cop Guy**.
HER: OK. I don't think I would've..
ME: (ROGLMAO) "OMG, porn stars broke into my house and molested my dog's ears!!"

See, I put Corona in them. No, not beer, you damn lushes. It's a horse and cow ointment with lanolin and a mild antiseptic. It does not sting or burn, and won't really hurt them if they lick it off. It keeps wounds soft so they don't itch as they heal. It is good for everything IMNSHO. I have smeared it liberally into BigBoy's itchy ears in the hope that it will do more than the expensive and useless goop the vet gave us.

Try it - available at most feed stores. But don't be surprised if you have some explaining to do to a significant other who watches a lot of porn.

* the Lab/Pit mix, as near as we can tell.
** a friend who is indeed a law enforcement official. I'm always telling him to shoot people for me, but he never does. He gets all indignant, but not because I want him to shoot people for me - it's because I want him to do it.

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