
Sep 28, 2010 18:48

Yay! So my Granada Sherlock Holmes collection is now in my hands. It's pretty spiffy, designed differently than from what I imagined. Pretty pretty pics of Jeremy, though, oooh Jeremy oooh~ Now I need to go leave feedback on the seller's eBay account.

I am still catless, alas, for about two weeks now. Mom is apprehensive about giving me back my cats dsfhsdjf. But I want them back before I leave the end of this week. I guess Mama has a respiratory infection, but my mom's been giving her antibiotics and taking care of her well. BAWWW I WANT MY CATS BACK.

Colorado and toonqueen's Friday! I'm excited, but absolutely terrified. Apparently she's been having issues with ear wigs and spiders the past few months, especially in the bathroom. She reassured me on the phone this morning that in the past four or so days, there has only been two spiders and an earwig! This is not reassuring. And it so happens one of those spiders was a wolf spider jdfjdf oh my god i am so scared to shower i will keep my eyes open the entire time DO THEY HAVE SHOWER SLIPPERS FFFFFFF.

Also! I finally finally finally, after having it on my harddrive for months now, watched the season five finale of Supernatural alongside nickel_curry and deathzero5 on Skype. It was an all right episode, sad, but not as climatic/action packed as I had imagined. Also, it wasn't really that sad, because we kept cracking jokes and I kept making fart noises, so.

The finale made me think of 2 Become 1 by the Spice Girls. Sum and I have been singing it a bit, and also Cas drew an awesome pic of Castiel on Tumblr. Ahhh, the fun these times bring.

I dunno when we're gonna watch 6x01. I thought we were tonight, but Sum's not shown up yet and idk if Cas will, so it might happen tomorrow or just me and the moose.

Two more things before I shut up.

1.) I wrote more Sherlock fic by request.

Title: Study in Blue Balls
Rated: PG-13
Warnings: Sexual imagery, but no actual sex; little curse here and there; a little slashy, but no pairing beyond John/Sarah (mentioned)
Summary: BBC Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock notices a funny, interesting little quirk of John's and decides to try it himself.
A/N: Requested by deathzero5 with a "SECONDED!" from nickel_curry, who also happened to provide me with the title of this fic. They wanted Sherlock or John to fellate a straw, and I did both. As I'm aware from a rather shocked Brit coming to America at the sight of straws, they don't use straws? BUT FOR MILKSHAKES THEY WILL DAMMIT. Also, I apologize, the quality is pretty shitty; I wrote a lot of my original novel and a little oneshot prior to this, so YEAH.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

2.) I am absolutely in love with this song and it touches me in a way, despite not being able to relate to it at all.

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sherlock holmes: the gay chronicles, tea time with buttholes, life but not as we know it, supernaturally, music

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