Here ya go.

Jun 14, 2004 12:07

Abortion?:Abortion is the horrible end result of a number of mistakes, my take on abortion is to prevent those mistakes. Death Penalty?:Yes, please. Prostitution?:It needs to be taken more seriously as a crime, or it needs to be legalized, this kind of half-assed enforcement only creates problems. Alcohol?:It's easily abuseable, so I don't, and neither should others. Marijuana?:*See Prostitution and Alchol above* Other drugs?:Trafficing should warrant the Death Penalty. Gay marriage?:Compromise, Gay Unions, because Marriage began in the Church and the State has no right to destroy something the Church established. The State only has marriage for taxing. Illegal immigrants?:Deport, don't give driver liscenses. Smoking?:*see Alchol* Drunk driving?:Should warrant the Death Penalty. Cloning?:Hmm, hard to say. I'd rather we learn how to stimulate the Stem Cells that adults already have in order to spur the body into autoregeneration. Racism?:Honestly, I tend to be racists in the general, but not in the specific. As in I tend to hold things against cultures, more than hold people's cultures against them. Premarital sex?:An unstoppable wrong... just please stop getting preganant you stupid whores! Religion?:Most take it either too seriously or not seriously enough. The war in Iraq?:I think we need more wars where we go destroy evil governemnts, just we also have to invade the economically worthless countries and that will never happen. Bush?:Shut up and let the guy work, Geez. Downloading music?:*Cheers!* The legal drinking age?:Should be 20 like everything else (smoking, driving, etc.), that way High Schoolers can't drink, but people out of High School can. This whole like psuedo-Adult deal is gay. Porn?:Way too much, all poor quality. Suicide?:The wussy way out.
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