Oct 11, 2006 07:08
I'm in so deep. My car payment for August is overdue, and was reported to collections 2 days ago, and in a fortnight they take the car back. If I lose that car I'm not only fucked for now until I get another ride, but I'm fucked for the better part of a decade until I fix my credit from that. My capital one card (which, by the way I've hidden from myself so well that I don't know where it ended up now) hasn't been paid since the same time as my car payment (when I was in Pa, if that give you any idea). And, I have two ASU parking tickets, next one and the car gets impounded. Speaking thusly, I am two tuition payments behind and I haven't bought any books yet. Surprised, right? My typical MO.
My option is this: get ANY job I come across. I'm past that grace period that I could dig my way out of trouble as a bartender in a few months. I have no choice but to take a job at a car parts place (I have experience... it's either that or shovel horse shit, but hey, there's no horses here!) and wait a few years before I'm in the black again. And I have 9 days to do it. Based on the amount of cash I withdrawal every week, at a solid rate I have just under a week and a half before I'm completely belly up. So, uh oh.
The Tally
car payments: $715.08
credit cards: $102
tuition payments: about $1400
books: about $600
So that's like almost $3000. Wow. I'm really taking it and I listed the bug on craigslist, but I can't seem to find my listing :( This is really rough.