Mar 12, 2005 21:03
GAH! Why??
All day I have been dead on my feet b/c I was out til like 11ish? last night, and then said bye to Kristen, and then came home, slipped into a coma for a few hours, woke up at fuckingn 5:30 am, and then was just restless when I shoula been sleeping. Bla bla, show up at work at like 6:04, and haven't really done much of anything until just now. (segue into complaint)
So, the promo people called me asked if I had them on the ISDN's, and I did. And then it came time to go to flux, and I did, perfectly, I might add. Yeah, the music was in a vocal already, but whatever, i's cool. And then, the ISDN's went dead. So, the "fuck fuck fuck" storm began and I scrambled for the other computer to program in Justin's friday night set...just to kill a little time until I can go back to flux. See, it dropped out just long enough that I had to do something, but it came back right after I put on Justin's set. So... now I just have to wait
Okay, well, Lysa came in to do some voicetracking, so... now we're covered until about 1 am. So, I forget what I was bitching about, and everything's okay now, so I'm happy.
What else? Now I forget that too. In that case, I will tell y'alls I got 5 new cd's for free. They're basically the leftovers and rejects from past giveaways n such, but I like them, so all is well in the land of Sean.
later all