okay, so energy was officially nominated to be the best dance radio station in the world. So, I'm asking you, everyone on your flist, and that guy you met at starbucks to vote for us, k? You can go to
our website and vote for us. To vote, go to the page and on the left hand side of the screen, scroll down until you see the IDMA nominee link (white background, energy92.7 logo, black and red lettering), and click it. Now, I'm not allowed to access it from work for some strange reason...so after that, you're on your own ;)
they say that if we win I get a slice of pizza.
thanks yalls
[edit] not important section: okay, pete's gotten SO bad at his timing that I can't tell if he was really late for his :35 spot or is really early for his :50 spot. Which is bad because commercials only come after one of them... Damn it man, wear a watch! [/edit]