one of the most enlightening quotes i have ever read - discovered at such an apt time too, a few days before new year's - i think it really encapsulates the stance we should take to everything you experience in life and how, only then can you craft yourself to be someone worthy by your very own standards
not ready with my resolutions list just yet, so i'll leave it for later, but in summary i'd just wish year 2013 to be a year of peacefulness, gratitude and comfort. at the back of my mind there's a thought shouting how architecture is anything but peaceful, but just... a general sense of peacefulness for the whole year okay, not counting submission weeks
p/s shinji moon's fast becoming one of my favorite poets and writers, if she had a book out i'd get it in a heartbeat
p/p/s pardon the shabby doodle of myself, i found it stuck in a book a few days back and i just wanted... to place it there...?
p/p/p/s holy crap submission in less than 3 days' time