In the vein of
darkfyre_muse's gratitude threads (or at least the idea of them, don't know if they've been posted) the following are a few things that made me smile this morning.
1. In an HRC member survey this was one of the demographic questions:
What gender do you identify as?
a. Female
b. Male
c. Female transitioning to Male transgender
d. Male transitioning to Female transgender
e. Not sure
I love the expression of gender as fluid concept represented on a vast spectrum and the fact that even this can be at times confusing and uncertain.
2. I am currently addicted to banana pudding. I don't know how it happened or why but smooth and creamy with artificial banana flavor absolutely does it for me for the past week.
3. Being contacted by old college friends I haven't talked to in months/years.
4. And finally the mass cleaning and reorganization of my house spawned by the impending visit of the exterminator to my building and my need not to have all my belongings doused in pesticides. The majority is getting boxed and put in the garage. And now you all see the advantage of my distinct lack of major furniture. (also this will put me back in a space where crafting, cooking and seducing my girlfriend in the living room are daily no brainers - yea for the creative juices).
5. Ooh yea one more...The row of six tiny devil ducks that now live on top of my monitor at work!