❝you're giving me too many things❞

Jul 20, 2011 22:33

lol what if I actually updated lj regularly ( Read more... )

derp de derp derp, x-men first class, ramblings, kingdom hearts

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aibari July 23 2011, 20:55:50 UTC

That's true. It feels like most the reason he was there was so that he could conveniently sacrifice himself. And also for that awkward SLAVERY~ close-up. But he's a cabbie, and cab drivers in movies/literature have a penchant for badassitude. (tbh I kind of want an AU where Armando meets Alex while he's still a cabbie, and then they sort of keep meeting, and then at some point there is porn and terrible chinese takeout, idek.)

Putting Hank/Alex on my reading list, though. :3

I liked most of it, really, but there were a lot of small things that were ... jarring. (Like the part where they blew up the bridge, or the part after Mrs Weasley's duel with Bellatrix where she smiles like she's gotten the taste for murder.) It wasn't as BRILLIANT SPARKLY EXPLOSIONS as it could have been, but I can't really put my finger on why, either. (But Neville, goddam! And I really liked McGonagall's bit too.)

No-one I know irl will watch AtLA because it's a kids' show and they are soulless bastards.

(That sounds like the best kind of post, tbh.)

I'm mostly lurking on tumblr at the moment, mostly because I'm not used to the medium at all, but I approve of spamming.


oceansex July 31 2011, 04:39:30 UTC
preeeeetty much. I think it's totally possible that he could come back since his power is to adapt to LITERALLY ANYTHING, so he could eventually piece himself back together, atom by atom and swing by Xavier's school post-beach incident and Alex can have his ~reunion moment~. but lol the script writers apparently didn't think like that. AND OH MY GOD THE SLAVERY CLOSE UP. every time I rewatch and it happens I just kind of cringe. really, editors. really. we had to do that.

I HAVE FINISHED THE MANIFESTO OF DOOM. it's 11k words and it's terrifying, but it's got links to some recs if you ever wanted to take a peek. XD

Molly's big moment fell so flat for me, which sucks because when she said her line and she kicked Bella's butt in the book, I literally cheered out loud, because it was so awesome, but it was so meh in the movie. THE WHOLE MOVIE WAS MEH. and yeah, I can't really explain why either. :C but I DID enjoy every bit with McGonagall. *_* she was hilarious and BAMF all at once.

HEATHENS. THE LOT OF THEM. B( all of this Korra business from SDCC has me in dire need to rewatch the whole series, and I will love it DOUBLY in place of the heathens who won't give it a shot, SO THERE.


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