[fic post] Balance

Jun 06, 2011 18:15

Title: Balance
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Pairings or Characters: Erik/Charles
Warnings: spoilers for First Class
Word Count: 608
Summary: Erik finally knows what Charles always understood.
Author Notes: so I still haven’t slept today because of homework and summer classes but my life is brokeback mutants so have some more short erik/charles fic


Remember. The point between rage and serenity.

Charles’ voice echoes through his mind, even though all Erik should be able to hear is the rush of air blowing around him. The submarine is heavy, with an extra burden of water pressure on top of it, and he’s straining too hard as it is just to keep it in place, so he searches. He searches his mind as he hears Charles’ voice dancing across his memories, following it into that bright corner where he’s slowly learning to find new strength.

Erik sees his mother, thin and weak and barely alive, but smiling as she sings him a lullaby. Almost immediately, the sub feels lighter, and he sees it moving under the surface of the water, finally submitting to his pull. But it’s not enough, he needs more, so he presses deeper.

Erik sees Charles, naked and sleeping, and feels the ghost of Charles’ warmth beneath his hands. The memory is days old, at most, but it’s already burrowed its way into the happiest corner of his mind, where he keeps his most precious thoughts. He sees Charles jerk in his sleep so hard it wakes him up, looking at Erik in confusion before snapping out of his dreamy fog. He sees his hand slide up Charles’ chest, slipping around his neck to bury in his hair and pull him into a kiss.

The sub breaks the surface, lightening with every moment as his hand stays outstretched, first the propeller, then the back of the hull, rising into the air with growing ease.

Erik sees Charles, frowning across the chessboard, trying to decide which move to make. They’ve played countless rounds, every night after training the kids, and while Erik’s never been a man for sitting around playing games, for Charles he’s patient enough for almost anything. He sees Charles finally lean forward to move his queen, sitting back and looking smug. Erik remembers already being able to tell he’ll lose the round, but he moves one of his pieces anyway to keep the game going. Surrender was never something he knew how to do, anyway.

He has it almost all the way out of the water now, his pull steady and strong enough to keep the whole thing in the air.

Erik sees Charles, telling him he knows everything and has felt his pain. Erik remembers the violation he felt, but also the peace, that someone else could understand what he’s been through and what it’s turned him into. He sees Charles, standing before him, offering him aid that he never thought a human soul would be able or kind enough to provide.

He feels his power growing and growing, holding the submarine level with Hank’s jet, keeping it steady even as one of Shaw’s men attacks, sending them spiraling out of control.

Erik keeps concentrating, probing as far as he can into his memories, and he sees Charles, floating in the water beside him. The memory is almost too crisp and he can feel the cold of the water and the defeat of letting Shaw get away. He can feel the surprise and confusion as he barely keeps his head above the water, looking at the man who saved his life.

I thought I was alone.

You’re not alone. Erik, you’re not alone.

With all his hate and anger, balanced with the peace he’s found in Charles, Erik finally knows what Charles always understood. His is a power that no one can match.

And no one in the world can stop him now.

pairing -- charles/erik, rating -- [pg-13], x-men first class, !fic

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