[fic post] The One with the Angel on a Bike

Jan 12, 2011 18:24

Title: The One with the Angel on a Bike
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Pairings or Characters: Dean, Cas, Sam
Warnings: none
Word Count: 709
Summary: Dean (and not Sam, because he refuses to take part in this, no matter what Dean says) decides Cas should learn how to ride a bike.
Author Notes: Originally posted on tumblr. Written for this ridiculous thing which was probably not a serious request, but it ~spoke to me anyway. Modern Family situation, Supernatural setting.

The One with the Angel on a Bike

"Dean. He's an angel," Sam points out, because Dean is the most oblivious person ever.

"Yeah, so?" Dean snorts.

"So, why the hell are you doing this?"

"We," Dean corrects, "are doing this because he can do literally anything we could possibly think of, except this. That's sad, especially for a goddamn angel. Also, because it's fucking funny."

Between them, Cas makes an irritated noise. He's stopped threatening to smite them after a desperate plea from Sam, but he still disapproves of Dean's constant blasphemy. Which only makes Dean do it more, and Sam has decided to throw his hands up and just let him get smote at this point.

"We've never even owned bikes and we still know how to ride 'em," Dean scoffs, tightening the strap around Cas's chin and ignoring the angel's indignant look.

"That's because you stole some from school and gave me lessons after lying and telling me dad got us early Christmas gifts," Sam glowers, as if that one instance is the reason why he was doomed to being the freakishly huge, demon-blood drinking vessel of Satan. Which Dean thinks is stupid, because it's not his fault his brother got fed demon steroids and screwed over by Destiny. Dean makes a "what's your problem" face and returns to making sure Cas's helmet is on just right.

"Dean," Cas finally speaks up as Dean continues adjusting his helmet, "I do not understand the necessity of this exercise. Also, I disapprove of you stealing this bicycle."

He rings the pink bell on the handlebar twice in an effort to prove his point.

"I didn't steal it, we're borrowing it," Dean insists, but Sam and Cas give him looks, both of which he ignores in favor of walking behind the bike and grabbing the seat. "Now let's get this show on the road."

"Wait, Dean, I--" Cas starts, but Dean is already starting to walk forward and he lifts his feet off the ground instinctively. Dean wonders if it's something left over from Jimmy as Cas quickly brings his feet to the pedals, almost like he remembers the process but has forgotten how to go through it. His hands spasm around the handlebars, turning the front wheel left and right rapidly, trying to balance and adjust to the new sensation of being on a moving bicycle.

"You're doing just fine," Dean laughs into Cas's ear, and Sam -- who, despite Dean's insistence that he is a part of this endeavor, really is not a part of this, at all -- feels like he's suddenly watching something oddly intimate.

Until, the next second, Dean lets go with an encouraging helmet slap, and Cas starts to panic. He looks like he's doing fine, trench coat tails flapping in the wind as he picks up speed, but he quickly starts heading towards a bush by the curb and his steering gets wilder.

"Dean. Why did you let me go? Dean? Dean?" Cas asks, voice getting louder and more desperate as he nears the bush.

"To the left. To the left, Cas!" Dean tries to instruct, but Cas is apparently too afraid to sacrifice his balance to turn the handlebars very far, and he hits the curb and falls off the bike, landing awkwardly in the bush.

Despite himself, Sam breaks out into laughter, tears welling up in his eyes as he doubles over.

Dean doesn't laugh, despite being the one to point out how hilarious the idea of an angel needing training wheels is. Instead, he winces as Cas tries to remove himself from the bush, eventually jogging over to give him a hand.

"I told you to go left, dude. On the bright side, you're totally fine. Guess the helmet came in handy," Dean teases as he pulls the angel out of the foliage, but Cas is not in the mood for jokes and, grabbing Dean around the bicep, disappears the two of them, only to return to the street alone a moment later.

Finally having calmed down from his laughing fit, Sam blinks, confused, before warily asking, "Um. Where's Dean?"

"Being punished," Cas says solemnly, taking off his helmet with care, and Sam says nothing else, not wanting to risk getting a share of punishment himself.

pairing -- dean/castiel, !fic, supernatural, rating -- [pg]

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