[fic post] comment!fic collection

Jan 12, 2011 18:03

I'm going to be spamming you all in a bit here because I have some tumblr fics and a kink meme fill to post, but I have a bunch of old comment fics I forgot about that I never posted here, so I'm doing that now.

Title: Nights
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairings or Characters: Zuko/Katara
Warnings: uh, adultery?
Word Count: 266
Summary: They meet at night. Only at night.
Author Notes: Written for the prompt 'Zuko/Katara, There is no time like the present to drink these draining seconds,' on anythingbutgrey 's Doomed Ship Comment Ficathon back in September. (I totally forgot I wrote Avatar fic for a bit there, lmfao, now please no one kill me over the ship >_>)


They meet at night. Only at night.

Neither of them are married yet, but the threat -- the fact -- looms over them, getting bigger every day, the rings on their fingers weighing more and more after each night.

She slips into one of the empty rooms in the guest palace, across the courtyard from the ambassador suites. The moon is at it's fullest and she sweeps across the carefully maintained grounds and not a soul can see her.

He joins her minutes later, appearing in the corner as if he walked through walls -- which, with his knowledge of the palace, is quite possible -- and takes three large strides, reaching her on the fourth.

They kiss rough and unkind, but not enough to mark each others' lips. They have their betrothed and the crowds to greet the following morning, and neither of them are fools.

He buries his hands in her hair, moaning against her tongue at the familiar weight and fullness of it. Her fingers roam his body, dragging a nail there, pinching here, eventually moving to untie his robes.

He stops her, grabbing her right hand with his left. She feels the cool metal brushing against her skin, and she wants to feel sick, but she is calm and happy in this silence with him. He brings her fingers up to his face and she rubs her thumb against his scar, both of them smiling.

They're adults. They know this is wrong, that it can't last much longer. But for the night, they're just teenagers, enjoying their time for what it is.

Title: Heaven Wasn't Always Hell
Rating: G
Genre: Gen/Pre-Slash
Pairings or Characters: Castiel (very small bits of Dean/Cas)
Warnings: vague season six spoilers
Word Count: 418
Summary: Castiel remembers heaven as it used to be.
Author Notes: Written for the prompt 'Castiel, heaven wasn't always hell,' on dollsome 's Shiny Happy Comment Ficathon back in November.

Heaven Wasn't Always Hell

Before the Winchesters, before his fall, before the apocalypse, before the loss of so many of his brothers and sisters, and before this hopeless war, Castiel remembers heaven as it used to be.

Contrary to what Dean may say -- selfish, stubborn, stunning Dean -- heaven was perfection, at least in his eyes. Heaven was peace. Heaven was home. The souls were happy, and even if some of the angels weren't and Father wasn't there to tell them anything, it was still enough.

It was enough.

Castiel remembers serving beside Anna and Uriel and Balthazar and his other brothers, sisters, friends. He remembers the two-thousand years between angelic presence on earth and how peaceful things were, even with the occasional demon uprising. He remembers traveling down to hell to perform his duty, and seeing how broken and twisted the souls trapped there had become. He remembers the souls of heaven living through their happiest moments and emanating joy so strongly it almost made him envious.

Most of all, he remembers the people of earth.

Watching them was always so fascinating. Being an ethereal being, he didn't have physical eyes to see with, but he would press out his grace, bits at a time in the form of good fortune and tiny miracles, and truly see into the human soul. He didn't understand them then -- though, admittedly, he still doesn't understand them now, even after being one for a time -- and sometimes they did things that confounded him. These humans could hate and murder and destroy on scales even he found impressive, but they were his Father's prized children, and Castiel loved them all.

Before he met Dean and Sam, before his home fell apart, before his Father abandoned him to let him learn that destiny wasn't always right, Castiel wanted every human spirit to join him in heaven and be at peace. He never questioned his orders and he readied himself for the future that was foretold. He ignored the corruption and he trusted his brothers.

But now it's different.

Heaven was once peace, and now it's chaos. It has fallen apart and the carefully constructed balance between heaven, earth and hell is decaying for the first time in all of creation. Dean -- his charge, his friend, his ally -- still needs his help down on earth, and he will do everything in his power to aid him.

But Castiel is going to save his home, and nothing, short of God Himself, will stop him.

Title: Devil Meaning Well
Rating: G
Genre: Gen/Pre-Slash
Pairings or Characters: Anna/Ruby
Warnings: none
Word Count: 307
Summary: Ruby never thought she'd see an angel.
Author Notes: Written for the prompt 'Anna/Ruby, You're the storm that I believe in,' on dollsome 's Shiny Happy Comment Ficathon back in November.

Devil Meaning Well

“So, you're an angel, huh?”

“Used to be,” Anna laughs quietly. She stares back down at her shoes and Ruby swears she looks ashamed.

“Never thought I'd see one up close,” Ruby whistles, pushing off of one of the old man's bookshelves to walk over. Anna instantly tenses and nearly falls off the couch as she tries to scramble backwards. Ruby tsks and rolls her eyes. “I'm not gonna eat you, girlie.”

But she knows Anna doesn't fear her, not anymore. No, now she's disgusted by this lowly demon stinking up the air and daring to talk to her like an equal.

Feh, snobby angel bitch, Ruby thinks, but she doesn't stop walking until she's close enough to reach out and touch the fallen angel.

“If I had my grace, you'd--” Anna starts, but Ruby grabs her by the chin and cuts her off. If she wants threatening, Ruby can do threatening. But she doesn't feel it. Not today.

“Well, you ain't got it. At least not yet. Those boys outside, they'll help you find it.”

Anna squints up at her as she drops her hand.

“You're strange. I never thought a demon could be nice.” And even without her grace, those eyes on her look bright enough to smite Ruby where she stands. “Well, maybe nice is a bit generous. You mean well, though.”

And then she smiles, and angel or not, it's one of the most beautiful things Ruby's ever seen and she has to look away. But there are plans in motion, work to be done, and she won't let a pretty face distract her for long. She spots the Winchesters outside and motions an arm for Anna to get up and follow.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. C'mon, let's go see if those idiots are ready yet,” she shrugs, already headed out the door.

pairing -- dean/castiel, rating -- [pg-13], !fic, supernatural, pairing -- zuko/katara, pairing -- anna/ruby, avatar, rating -- [g]

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