[fic post] Library Affair

Sep 01, 2008 04:09

Alright, this one took me less than a day to finish, but I left before I could post it up. This is my most... risque, I suppose the word is, ficlet yet. I still can't write full on smut, but perhaps with time I'll grow braver? It's all the KakaSaku, I'm telling you, lol. Anyway, enjoy. C:

Also available at FF.net.

Fandom: Harvest Moon: Rune Factory
Pairing: Russell/Tori
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Harvest Moon, or these characters, as they belong to Yoshifumi Hashimoto.

Library Affair

He has loved her for a long time. No one else knows yet, but he's aware that a few are suspicious. She's six years his junior, and he has a daughter already, and though he's sure no one would outright disapprove, there's still doubt in him. Maybe she'd lose interest if it wasn't secret. Maybe she'd show her braver side to everyone else if it was in the open. That he certainly doesn't want.

She is incredibly passionate, which most would find surprising considering her usual shy nature. During closing hours, when no one ever comes by, she pulls him between the bookshelves and kisses him forcefully. It surprised him the first time, but he anxiously anticipates it now. Each time he fights the urge to take her then and there because he's sure she's not ready and he's too eager. But when he feels her fingers tugging at his belt, it makes the struggle that much more difficult.

Today it's a holiday, but it's snowing outside, so he's inside tending to the books while his daughter is out having snowball fights and everyone else is either at church or at the bar. She doesn't stop by on holidays often - she works every other day of the week, after all, and he insists that she have at least one day off, though he is occasionally tempted to be selfish and ask her to come by anyway. No one else comes by much either, after all.

A soft knock at the door removes him from his thoughts, and he lets out a sigh as he puts down the books he was carrying to open it. He has an idea who it is - Raguna tends to stop by to say hi at the most random times - but is surprised to see her standing there, flushed and smiling. He's not sure if it's the only cold that's making her blush so red, especially as she pushes him inside slowly, her gentle smile quickly transforming into a small, devilish grin. She shuts the door behind her and locks it, and now he knows exactly what she's come here for.

He helps her remove her scarf and large coat slowly, hoping she's only stopping by for a little bit. He won't be able to stop himself this time, though he has a growing suspicion that she's well aware of that.

Within moments of her extra winter clothing hitting the floor, her arms are around his neck and she's kissing him fiercely. He used to wonder how she managed to be such a great kisser - but that train of thought made him uncomfortable, and he quickly stopped trying to figure it out. The moment he feels his coat fall off, however, he pushes her away gently but forcefully enough to catch her attention.

“Don't,” he commands, his voice echoing some of the fierceness he used to exude in spades before he came to this town.

But she seems unfazed, and the grin that had temporarily disappeared is back on her face as she slowly removes his hands from her shoulders and resumes disrobing him. He wants to stop her - needs to stop her - but she has him mesmerized. He tries again to speak, but she places a gentle kiss on his lips that quiets him instantly. In moments, he's in nothing but his pants and shoes. His glasses have been displaced as well, but he doesn't really need them. He can see her perfectly fine, and the slight redness of her cheeks compels him to lean forward and kiss her again.

This time, she is the one to push him away, and he fears for a moment that she's realized what exactly she's doing. But her face is still as confident as before, kicking off her shoes and pulling off her own socks. She has taken his hands and brought them around to where the sash around her waist is tied now, smiling at him as she does so. He slowly begins to untie it, his fingers trembling more than he can remember them ever doing so before. Her hands are resting around his neck, playing gently with the hair at his nape. When the sash is undone, it falls around her feet, and he realizes that now he can pull her dress straight over her head, and she will be in nothing but her underwear if he does.

“T-Tori...” he begins, his concern for her - or is it more a concern for himself? - stopping him from what his fingers are itching to do.

“It's alright Russell... I know what I'm doing.”

There's that confidence. That bravery that she exudes only when she knows exactly what she wants, and when she knows she's going to get it. She told him once that he's the first person she has ever shared this side of her with, and it swells him with so much glee and love each time he remembers it that he wonders if he'll burst.

It melts him, and within seconds he has her naked, attacking her with kisses as gently as he can while being as hungry for her as he is. She's making quiet noises he hasn't heard from her before, and he wonders if this is what heaven is like.

He has always loved the library. Before her, it was all about the books. He could lose himself in fantasies he never would have imagined on his own. After her, it was still partly about the books. But mostly, it was about how it served as their own little world where they could live out fantasies together. The place where peering eyes could not penetrate; where she could show him what she had never shown anyone before; and where he could whisper and hear, “I love you,” for the first time with her, the woman he truly loves.

He takes her upstairs to his bed and makes love to her, passionate but gentle and slow. It is her first time, and the first time he's felt like this. When the pain subsides, that knowing, confident smile is back in place, and together they tumble into ecstasy.

Around dinner time, she is dressed again and heading for the door. Cecilia will be returning soon, and she needs to go home as well. But before she reaches the door, he grabs her by the wrist and tugs her backwards into his arms. She's startled, but makes no move to escape from his grasp.

“... I want them to know,” he says quietly.

His heart is hammering in his chest now. Will she lose interest, just as he feared? Will her braver side become something she shares with everyone? However, his anxiety does not outweigh his desire to let everyone know that she is his to love, and his alone. He is surprised when she lets out a giggle.

“I thought you'd never ask.”

“... Wait, wasn't it your idea to keep it secret?”

“No...” she says slowly, carefully turning around in his arms to look up at him, “I never wanted to keep it secret. You just seemed to like it more, so...” The shyness is back, manifesting in a slight red blush across her cheeks. He loves her confidence, but her bashfulness is what he fell in love with in the first place. He chuckles, leaning down and kissing her once more for good measure before releasing her and pushing her towards the door.

“Well, since that's settled, you should head home. I've got some announcing to do.”

“A-Announcing?” she repeats, confused.

“Yup. Can't let any of the boys in town keep thinking you're available,” he grins. The thought of telling Raguna exactly where to shove his pumpkin pudding gifts is an extremely pleasing one indeed. She seems less enthusiastic, but slowly unlocks the door and begins to head out.

“... Russell?” she calls back to him before closing the door behind her.

“Hmm?” he asks, slowly pulling on his own coat.

“... T-Try not to say anything... e-embarrassing, okay?”

“Of course,” he smiles, which seems to put her at ease as she departs, smiling in return.

rating -- [pg-13], *challenge -- 30_kisses, harvest moon, !fic, pairing -- russell/tori

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