[fic post] Attachments & The Company You Keep

Sep 05, 2010 13:25

Reveals went up for sn_exchange (along with the announcement that this would be the last round for the comm /SOBS INTO HANDS), and while I didn't check the masterlist myself because I am taking FOREVER to read my gift, even though it is FANTASTIC and I WANT TO KNOW WHO WROTE IT SO BAD I figured I could post up what I'd written. As I copied over my original author notes, I realized I apologize a lot when offering gifts. I HAVE SO LITTLE FAITH IN MYSELF LMFAO. The recipients both liked them, though, so I'm happy. C:

Title: Attachments
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance/Angst
Pairings or Characters: Naruto/Sasuke
Warnings: Gratuitous musings on sex. Mentions of het sex. Masturbation. Man-on-man sex. Basically, this is terribly, terribly naughty. Naru/Sasu/Naru. (Additional warning: there is a bit of healing cock. My bad.)
Word Count: 4,885
Summary: No one suspects that his aim to get back to Sasuke is anything more than sheer stubbornness. But it is more than that, and it has been since that night he spent with a girl in a brothel, wishing she was Sasuke.
Author Notes: Written for octavius_x at sn_exchange. Original note: "I AM SO HORRIBLE AT STICKING TO THE PROMPT I AM SO SORRY. I took the "growing up parallel in Konoha and Sound" part of the prompt and just ran with it. This should probably be considered a slight AU because I have a horrible handle on the timeline concerning character ages vs actual events that take place, I altered some of the conversations from canon, and they have sex more than they fight. But other than that, I hope this is to your liking. :)"

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Title: The Company You Keep
Rating: R
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings or Characters: Sasuke/Naruto
Warnings: language, rough sex, nearly blind Sasuke
Word Count: 6,575
Summary: Sasuke's been captured, Naruto lets himself get captured, they both end up in the same cell, and by some miracle, they don't kill each other right off the bat.
Author Notes: Pinch hit, written for rasengan22 at sn_exchange. Original note: "This fic is pretty bipolar, swapping between darker moments and lighter moments in no time at all, but it never leans too far either way (I hope). There are also a ton of mooks in this fic, so sorry if the action gets a bit tedious. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. :)"

( follow the fake cut )

rating -- [nc-17], !fic, *gift exchange -- sn_exchange, gift, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [r], naruto

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