[fic post] Forgotten

Aug 13, 2010 21:41

Title: Forgotten
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairings or Characters: Axel/Roxas, Organization 13 members
Warnings: AU with scenes in canonverse, slight emotional abuse, dude on dude action
Word Count: 1,542
Summary: It doesn't hurt to be called a nobody because he knows it's true.
Author Notes: Happy AkuRoku Day, Friday the 13th and all that. Just started playing 358/2 Days (despite getting it a year ago; SHUT UP, I KNOW), but this has no real spoilers from that game. This is based mostly on KHII, but their relationship is pretty much the same in both (just expanded on in Days).


"You're a nobody. You're nothing. No one cares about you and no one will miss you."

The door slams but Roxas doesn't wince. It happens often enough that he isn't surprised or bothered by it anymore. He waits until he can't hear footsteps before walking to the front door and locking it.

It doesn't hurt to be called a nobody because he knows it's true.


"He walked out on me again," Roxas reports the next day at work.

Technically, he's not supposed to be chatting on the job, but the boss is never in, and at the moment the restaurant is pretty empty, so he doesn't feel guilty -- not that he ever really feels anything, anyway.

"Why are you still dating him?" Larxene asks with a raised eyebrow, "Doesn't he do this every weekend?"

"I dunno," Roxas shrugs, scrubbing lazily at the dirty dishes, "But it's not like he beats me or anything. He's just indecisive, I guess."

"Seriously, kid, you've got issues if you've been staying with him this long."

"How long has it been, anyway?" Demyx chimes in from his seat by the grill.

"About four months."

"Damn, Roxas. What exactly are you waiting for?"

Roxas stops scrubbing and stares down into the murky water. He doesn't answer, because he doesn't know.


Roxas heads to the convenience store after work and picks up a microwaveable meal and a box of popsicles. It costs him the last six dollars in his wallet and he wanders back home trying to figure out, between bills and rent, how much food money he'll have for the rest of the month if he's already running out this early.

He stops at a park on the way back to his apartment and sits on the swings, trying not to think of how creepy other people must think he is for hanging out there, and pulls out one of the popsicles and licks away at it. He doesn't remember when it became a habit to get them, but he always does.

The only time he ever really feels anything is when he runs out and starts to get anxious until he buys more.


Roxas' boyfriend doesn't come back to his apartment that night, or any night for the next two weeks. Roxas wouldn't be particularly mad or upset if he never came back at all, but he doesn't actually dislike him, either. So when he goes to work on the fifteenth day without any sight of his boyfriend, he tells his co-workers.

"I think he left me for good."

"About time," Larxene hollers.

"Aren't you supposed to be comforting me?"

"Why? You aren't all that upset about it, and it's better this way, anyway."

"... I guess," Roxas mumbles. He feels almost bad about not feeling bad in the first place, but thinking about it is starting to make his head hurt, so he stops just in time for Larxene to bark at him to take the next order to table eight.

He winds his way through the dining area, heading for the corner where the correct booth is, but when the right table comes into view, he freezes.


He's in a dark room filled with flames, a man with fiery red hair and wearing a black cloak staring at him from the opposite wall.

"Let's meet again in the next life."

"Yeah. I'll be waiting."

"Silly. Just because you have a next life..."

The man fades into swirls of darkness and he feels so impossibly sad, it would break his heart in half if he had one.


Roxas drops the tray of food with a loud clatter and several heads turn around to stare. From table eight, a man with spiky, red hair -- so bright it can't possibly be natural -- looks up from his cell phone and starts to glance over him, not knowing the food spilled on the floor is his. But then their eyes meet and the man is frozen, too, for what feels like ages, but then he's getting up and running at Roxas and dragging him by the arm to the exit.

Distantly, he hears Larxene screaming after him to get his ass back in the kitchen while Demyx's shouts for her to calm down go unheeded, but he pays neither of them attention. He's practically hypnotized as the man with red hair tosses him into the passenger seat of his car, crawls over him into the driver's seat, and turns the key in the ignition, the car coming to life with a roar.


"Look at what it's come to. I've been given these icky orders to destroy you-- if you refuse to come back with me," the man with red hair grimaces, scratching at his head.

"We're... best friends, right?"

"Sure... but I'm not getting turned into a Dusk for-- ... Wait a sec! You remember now?"

The relieved expression on his face makes him feel even worse that he's lying. He wants to see that smile forever, even if he doesn't remember, but it's not in the cards for them. It never was.


The drive isn't very long, and neither of them say a word the entire way. Roxas isn't even sure if he's taken a single breath since getting pulled out of the restaurant. They reach an apartment building and the car skids to a halt in the parking garage. With the same hastiness as before, the man tugs Roxas out and onto his feet and pulls him behind him through two sets of doors and into an elevator where he finally lets out a shaky breath.

"I'm-- I'm sorry," he mumbles, unable to look down at Roxas, even though his hand is still gripping tight at his arm.

"It's okay," Roxas breathes, because even though he isn't sure why, he knows that it is. For some reason, those words make the man let out a laugh.

"Is it really?"

"It's okay," Roxas repeats, and this time the man doesn't laugh, but the hand on his arm tightens so much it almost hurts.

The elevator sounds as they reach whatever floor the man had pressed the button for and Roxas is getting dragged again, pulled along by this stranger with red hair that he never should have been able to forget.


"You get on their bad side and they'll destroy you!"

The man sounds panicked, a mix of anger and terror on his face and in his voice, but he's too late.

"No one would miss me."

"That's not true... I would."

But the man is all alone again in the alleyway, and even without a heart, he feels the pain anyway.


They trip over their feet together, stumbling clumsily through the doorway and slamming it shut with Roxas pressed against it and the man's mouth on his, all heat and tongue and need.

This is nothing like his old boyfriends, who just took what they wanted and never could give him what he wanted in return. This is impossibly familiar and it's the best he's felt in his entire life. If he could think about it, he'd realize that it's probably the first time he's actually felt anything at all.

They're both already hard, erections rubbing against each other through Roxas' slacks and the man's jeans, and he lets out a moan when the man rolls his hips against him, pressing their dicks together, not enough to satisfy but enough to feel good.

"Roxas," the man breathes against his mouth, one hand burying in his blond hair and the other reaching to undo his jeans. It occurs to Roxas, somewhere in the haze of heat and lust, that he never actually told him his name. But then his own pants are suddenly undone and he feels the press of another cock against his own and he nearly bites through his tongue.

"Shit, Axel--" he groans, moving his hips desperately, needing more, needing everything, reaching his hands up and burying them into spikes so red he's not sure he won't come away with stained hands. Their hips roll together, thrusting upwards against each other, into tight fists, until everything feels sticky and Roxas can't feel his legs except for a slight tingling at the end of his curled toes.

Then there's a warm hand on his cheek, pulling his face upward.

"I didn't tell you my name."

Roxas has to take a second to process the words before understanding and shaking his head.

"I didn't tell you mine, either."

And then the man -- Axel, Axel, Axel -- grins so wide it reaches his ears and his green eyes look like they're shining.


"You're a Nobody. You're nothing. You shouldn't exist, and if you die before you get a heart, you won't anymore. No one will remember you and no one will miss you."

He nods slowly, staring at the sunset. It doesn't hurt to be called a Nobody because he doesn't have a heart, but it stings a little to hear no one will miss him.

"Except me, of course. We're best friends, so don't forget about me either."

"... I won't," he promises with a soft smile before taking a bite out of his popsicle.

rating -- [nc-17], !fic, kingdom hearts, pairing -- axel/roxas

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