❝the finish line is just around the bend❞

Jun 12, 2010 14:05

did a flist clean up earlier today. deleted old journals that hadn't updated in months/years, moved-out-of journals, and permanently/soon-to-be abandoned journals. this was not a f-cut, though, and no one on hiatus or recently added were cut, so no worries! :)

haven't been watching the soccer (I wait until semi-finals before getting sucked in) but ( Read more... )

ramblings, meme, notice

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oceansex June 16 2010, 22:11:18 UTC
NRGH this is hard because I never buy issues, I always wait for paperback/hardcover, BUT I will go through my books and pick favorite parts~

1. Young Avengers #1 because I can't get over my Young Avengers obsession, okay, I JUST CAN'T LMFAO. and I'm sure #1 isn't the best, but it's the beginning of something great, AND I AM A CHEESEBALL, WHAT OF IT /FLAIL
2. All-Star Batman & Robin: The Boy Wonder #whichever one had the "Goddamn Batman Line" because you know why
3. Batman #618, the second-to-last issue of the Hush storyline, where Bruce takes on Jason, and it's all kinds of intense and action packed.
4. Detective Comics #853, the second half of the "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" story. the last couple pages made me burst out crying the first couple times I read through it, and even now it makes me all teary-eyed. I shouldn't be surprised, since it is Neil Gaiman, after all.
5. Young Avengers Presents #3, because it's got Billy/Teddy adorableness and some spotlight on Billy and Tommy as brothers, which are both so rare. :C and I love love love Billy in this art style (Teddy, not so much. MAYBE IF HE WASN'T SITTING AROUND BIG AND GREEN, I wouldn't have minded so much. but otherwise, great issue~)


tsuruhime June 20 2010, 00:31:00 UTC
Haha, I actually hardly ever get single issues too unless I'm really impatient hnngh



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