[fic post] Flight or Fight

Jun 06, 2010 23:27

Title: Flight or Fight
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance/Angst
Pairings or Characters: Green/Red
Warnings: boy/boy sex
Word Count: 1550
Summary: Green finds him atop a mountain, still wearing short sleeves and sneakers despite the blizzard outside.
Author Notes: MY BB WANTS PORN, MY BB GETS PORN. although, it started really angsty for some reason. and ended up a lot longer than it was originally going to be. BUT ANYWAY, this is for you estheim. <3

Flight or Fight

Green finds him atop a mountain, still wearing short sleeves and sneakers despite the blizzard outside. He turns around, spots Green and smiles, two seconds before Green runs at him and punches him across the face. He stumbles backwards until he hits the cave wall, bringing a hand slowly up to his cheek.

"You asshole," Green spits.

Red says nothing, just rubs at his cheek and hisses when it hurts.

"Where have you been? Huh?"

Green is furious, shaking from head to toe and too blinded by anger to feel the pain in his knuckles.

"Do you know how long I've looked for you? Where I've looked for you? I've traveled all over the world, for years, and it's not until some dumbass kid comes to my gym, spouting off about you like an idiot, that I finally find out where you've been?"

He's reached Red now, and with a forceful shove, pins him against the wall with fists wrapped in his jacket and face inches from Red's own.

"Why did you hide from me? Why?"

And despite himself, Green doesn't sound angry anymore, as if the cold has steadily numbed his rage until he just can't feel it anymore. Instead, he sounds desperate and sad, and Red's still not looking at him as he spits out blood onto his glove.

"You could've just said no. You didn't have to run away," Green says, not sounding like anything now -- not angry, not solemn, not anything -- and finally Red turns to look at him.

"... You punched me."

It's the first time Green's heard him speak in years, and it takes him a moment to understand what he's said. Green blinks before letting go of Red's jacket and stepping back, shaking his head.

"You don't care. Hell, you never cared--" he starts, but he's cut off when suddenly Red is pushing off the wall and closing the distance between them until they're kissing.

Neither of them really knows what to do for a few seconds before Green's hands sink into Red's hair and pull him forward hard as their lips open and Green can taste blood on Red's tongue. He absently thinks about regretting that punch, knowing it probably tore up the inside of Red's cheek, but it felt too good and Red really did deserve a punch every once in a while, so Green decides against it, focusing instead on the tug of Red's hands at his jeans.

Green hadn't figured things would be going in this direction when he finally confronted Red -- after all, the idiot had disappeared for four years after he'd tried kissing him -- but he wasn't about to argue. Red manages to get Green's jeans undone before going for his own, filling the cave with loud, wet kissing sounds as he refuses to pull away. Green reluctantly lets go of Red's hair to start pulling off his coat, followed by his sweater and long-sleeved shirt.

(Just because Red managed to adapt to the cold didn't mean Green was going to brave the perpetual blizzard atop Mount Silver without layers.)

Green goes for Red's jacket and shirt next, and when they're left shirtless with their jeans around their ankles, Green has to pull away and catch his breath for a second.

"I didn't-- I didn't bring anything," Green whispers between heavy breaths, but Red just shakes his head. Green adds, "It's gonna hurt this way. We don't-- I won't make you." Again, Red shakes his head, then takes Green by the hand and tugs him down for a kiss.

It's less frantic and forceful and hot than they had been kissing before, but it manages to send a bigger thrill down Green's spine.

They use Green's jackets as a makeshift blanket on the cave floor before Red sits down and kicks off his boxers, giving Green proof that Red's just as turned on as he is. He kneels down and they start kissing again -- stupid and needy and impatient -- as Green takes Red's hard cock in his hand and jerks him once, getting a high whine into his mouth in response.

Green's done this a few times before with boys and girls, too impatient and angry at Red to wait, so he feels pretty confident he knows what he's doing. But he doubts Red has ever had sex period, too focused on his pokemon and whatever else he spent his time doing while Green had no idea where he was. The flinch he makes when Green's fingers reach his hole all but confirms this, but when Green tries to pull away, his grip tightens.

"I want this," Red breathes, and Green's cock thickens and jerks and he has to bite his tongue to stop from making embarrassing horny noises.

One hand stroking Red's dick and the other easing Red open, Green mutters against Red's ear as he gasps and grinds himself harder against Green's palms. It takes a while -- Green is so not sure that this is actually happening that he has to stop and ask three times before Red just smacks him over the head and he finally decides that maybe this really is happening -- but Green eventually gets three fingers inside him, thrusting in and out and dragging quiet grunts out of Red's mouth, and he figures he's done with prepping.

Green lines himself up and presses forward, and it's tight and hot and it takes several pushes before he's all the way in, but once he is, he has to pause and get the breath back in his lungs. He feels lightheaded and his heart clenches, because he's where he never thought he'd be.

Red's eyes are clamped shut and his face is burning red, and Green thinks it's the hottest thing he's ever seen. He leans down and presses kisses along Red's jaw until he reaches his lips, but Red pushes against his chest until he pulls away.

Eyes still closed, he whispers, "Move," and Green obeys.

He starts slow, adjusting to the tightness and trying to find a position that's comfortable for them both. Keeping one hand beside Red's hip and using the other to lift Red's legs over his shoulders, Green presses in and sinks just a bit deeper, but it makes all the difference and Red moans loud and desperate. His speed increases and his thrusts get harder, as he chants Red's name over and over.

He's dizzy with how good it feels, how natural it feels, like being inside Red is where he belongs. Red's hands, previously fisted in Green's coat, scramble up along Green's arms and eventually settle digging into his shoulders.

"Why did you run away?" Green asks suddenly, still thrusting inside him. He isn't sure how he can talk at the moment, but the question was in his head and he couldn't leave it be anymore.

Beneath him, Red is moaning and gasping and ignoring his question, and while he's enjoying the first two, he doesn't like the last one, so Green slows down. Red whines in protest, but Green just asks the question again.

"If you were okay with this, why did you run away?"

"... strong..." he mumbles.


"I wasn't... strong enough," he says again, louder this time.

"Strong enough? What does that have to do with anything?" Green asks, coming to a complete stop now.

"You kept beating me. I didn't think... I was fit for you... until I was stronger," Red explains.

Leave it to Red to determine everything, including his relationships and his sex life, with pokemon battles.

Green lets out a sigh and hangs his head, amazed that he can love this big of an idiot, until Red reaches a hand up into his hair and Green meets his eyes.

"But I am now."

Green drops Red's legs from his shoulders and reaches up to kiss Red hard, moving his hips again and feeling needy groans against his tongue. He's thrusting fast again -- maybe too fast, but Red never asks him to slow down -- as he brings a hand between them to take Red's dick in his hand and pump it. His rhythm is off with his hand, because he's trying too hard to concentrate on both thrusting and stroking and he just ends up all over the place, until Red's hand joins his and guides him.

Red comes first, their hands entwined around his cock becoming slick as they keep stroking, while Green's thrusts become erratic and wild the closer he gets to his own orgasm. He comes soon after, grunting Red's name as he spills himself inside him. He collapses down onto Red's chest, too exhausted and blissed out to pull out yet or care that his stomach is suddenly sticky where he's laid down in Red's seed.

"I'm sorry," he mutters into Red's skin, which is incredibly warm despite the cold, "I probably shouldn't have... inside you..."

Red grunts, which Green takes to mean he doesn't care either way, as fingers thread themselves through Green's hair.

"You're not... gonna run away this time, right?"


"Okay. Good," Green hums, sleepy and happy. "I don't think I'd last another four years without you."

Red presses a kiss into his hair and mumbles, "I don't think I would, either."

rating -- [nc-17], pokemon, pairing -- red/green, !fic, gift

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