[fic post] Why Teens Aren't Allowed at Cocktail Hour

Apr 09, 2010 20:01

Title: Why Teens Aren't Allowed at Cocktail Hour
Rating: R
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings or Characters: Mori/Kyouya
Warnings: goofy gay blowjobs
Word Count: 425
Summary: Kyouya couldn't help but find the whole thing kind of funny.
Author Notes: For peekaydee. HEY LOOK, I'M ACTUALLY GETTING THESE DONE LOL. First time writing Ouran smut-ish fic, and unsurprisingly gay. This pairing is currently Lucy's crack obsession, and what kind of husbando would I be if I did not supply her with something to feed her addiction? So yes. Mori/Kyouya kinda-smut, likely a bit OOC, post-anime, no manga spoilers. ENJOY THE CRACK.

Why Teens Aren't Allowed at Cocktail Hour

Kyouya was breathing heavy, pressed up against the wall of the elevator with Mori's head between his legs. Twenty minutes ago, they'd been sitting at a table in the luxury hotel's grand dining hall for some charity event. Kyouya didn't remember nor particularly care which at the moment.

Between gasps, Kyouya kept laughing, and he really couldn't explain why, other than this was just funny. He hadn't expected to see Mori or any of the hosts there, since this was not a Host Club event or the like, and he certainly hadn't expected to be pulled into an elevator to let Mori have his way with him. Suddenly, Mori made a particularly long drag of his tongue down the length of Kyouya's cock, and his laughing turned into a choked strangled noise as he came.

His legs turned to jelly after that, and he slid down to the floor, realizing belatedly that part of Mori's face was covered in his come.

"Sorry, Mori-sempai," he apologized, quickly regaining his composure and producing a handkerchief from the pocket of his slacks. Mori took it without qualms, but wiped his face clean with his hand instead before licking it up with his tongue as Kyouya watched, swallowing slowly.

Kyouya was known for his ability to be articulate and calculating at all times. This happened to be an exception.

"Uh," he mumbled distractedly as Mori finished cleaning off his face and stood up. The sudden ding of the elevator snapped Kyouya briefly back to his senses and he scrambled to zip up his pants, but Mori was already grabbing him by the waist and hoisting him over his shoulder like he was a sack of potatoes. Or Hani.

No one was waiting for the lift when the doors opened and they stepped out, thankfully, and Mori fumbled through his pocket for his room key as Kyouya started laughing again. Mori found his room and quickly swiped the electronic key before pushing his way inside, depositing Kyouya once the door had shut behind them.

"What, are you a caveman?" Kyouya snorted, but instead of answering, Mori surged forward and kissed him, making the younger boy melt against him a little bit. When he finally pulled away, he was smirking.

"I knew it."

"What?" Kyouya asked, a bit impatient. He wanted to get back to the kissing and the attending to his returning erection.

"You taste like champagne."


"That's why you're so... giggly."

Kyouya froze.

"I am not. Giggly."

"Are, too," Mori nodded seriously before swallowing Kyouya's indignation in another kiss.

ouran, !fic, gift, pairing -- mori/kyouya, rating -- [r]

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