[fic post] Heat

Jan 25, 2010 12:41

Title: Heat
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings or Characters: Gold/Silver
Warnings: the usual (aka sexy times. with boys.)
Word Count: 1,249
Summary: It's not Gold's fault Silver is stuck in this blizzard with him, but Silver can definitely blame him for the rest.
Author Notes: For koizumi. DISCLAIMER, these boys are NOT ten years old. They're at least sixteen, a reasonable age for sexytimes to start happening. ...I am not a pedo. ;A; (But c'mon. Have you ever thought they looked ten in the official or fan art? I didn't think so.) The end turned a lot more schmoopy than I intended, but there's nothing wrong with schmoop so there ya go.


"I hate you," Silver grumbles.

"That's been established," Gold sighs.

"This is all your fault, too."

"Whatever you need to keep telling yourself," Gold yawns.

Silver grimaces at that, before returning to attempting to glare the cold away.

Being stuck in a blizzard is never fun. Being stuck in a blizzard in some tiny cave with Silver is not much better. Gold knows the guy doesn't like him very much, but it wasn't like he made Silver follow him on his trek to find Red and challenge him. He just kind of invited himself along, so Gold doesn't feel guilty at all that he's stuck here, too. He's kind of lucky Silver did, though, because Gold hadn't thought to bring much in case of bad weather. Silver had, though, even if he was none too happy to be sharing.

He feels Silver shiver next to him, so Gold moves to scoot closer under their shared blanket, but Silver snaps his head around to glare at him immediately.

"What are you doing?" he demands, eyes narrowing further, if that's even possible.

"Uh, trying to keep us warm," Gold answers flatly.

"A likely story," Silver snorts.

"You make it sound like I'm trying to molest you," Gold points out.

"Well, are you?"

"Dude!" Gold cries. Silver gives him a 'look', so he rolls his eyes and adds, "NO, I am not."

There's a flash of disappointment before he turns away, and then it clicks and Gold can't help but laugh. Silver whips his head back around, face red from both the cold and something else, and he demands with a hiss that Gold explain why he's giggling.

"You've been angling for it this whole time, haven't you?" Gold smirks once the laughter subsides.

Silver makes a face before protesting, "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"So sorry. Can't hear you over the sound of my molesting you, and all," Gold shrugs before grabbing Silver by the waist and dragging him into his lap. Silver blinks in surprise, but before he can say anything, Gold admonishes him for dropping the ends of the blanket. "You're letting all the cold in!" he frowns as he wraps the blanket back around the two of them, which only tugs Silver closer.

"See? Nice and toasty this way," Gold smiles, surprisingly warm fingers reaching under Silver's jacket and trailing up his stomach. Silver jerks and stiffens as his face rapidly turns red, but he no longer looks upset. The expression he's wearing is even a little endearing, and Gold is surprised Silver can look so cute when he's not hurling venomous glares and insults at him.

"G-Gold," Silver mumbles as another hand starts unbuckling his slacks. Later, Gold is sure he'll insist that his stuttering was from the cold, despite how hot Silver's skin is beneath his touch.

Gold takes his hand out from Silver's coat, and Silver makes a small noise of disappointment, but then it's running up the back of his neck and he doesn't complain when Gold pulls him down for a kiss. It's not the best kiss he's ever had, but he can tell from Silver's slight hesitance and awkwardness that it's likely his first, and Gold can't help but grin against his mouth.

By now, his hand has undone Silver's pants and is sneaking its way into his boxers, but Silver grabs Gold's wrist and halts him, breaking away from the kiss. He looks mussed and shy, which does very funny things to Gold's stomach and the region just below that.

"You're not... just doing this to keep warm, right?" Silver asks in a whisper.

Gold stares, wondering where the guy who demanded answers and was always arrogant and had a big enough ego to eclipse the moon has gone. But it's not just the way Silver asks but what he asks that has Gold surprised, because he hadn't touched him for any other reason than he wanted to.

"No," Gold answers, just as quietly, and when Silver smiles it brightens the whole cave.

Gold presses kisses against whatever exposed skin he can find as his hands finally reach Silver's erection. Silver gasps and grips tighter at the blanket, squeezing his eyes shut. Gold's never done this with anyone but himself, but he figures the basics are the same, though he's eager to find out what Silver likes best. He strokes once, gentle and light, and gets nothing more than a small shiver. He tries again, this time gripping tighter as his hand moves up and down, teasing the head with his thumb, and Silver makes a noise that is halfway between a moan and a growl, which has Gold straining against his shorts instantly.

"Shit," Gold swears, taking a hand away to fumble with his own zipper.

"W-What is it?" Silver pants against his ear.

"Oh, so not helping," Gold whines, because every hot breath against his ear is making him hornier and hornier, and if it continues at this rate, he's going to need more than a hand job, and he's not sure Silver's willing to go that far. He frantically wrangles with his shorts until he manages to free himself, quickly grabbing Silver by the ass and pulling him as close as he can. His hands are slippery now, which only makes the slide of them over their erections smoother and faster. Silver lets out another growl-moan, this time directly in Gold's ear, and Gold responds in kind with a loud groan.

Every bit of Silver that can be pressed against him is, and Gold can feel his heart pounding against his chest just as fast as his own.

Silver comes first, with a shudder and a cry that has Gold's fist speeding up as his own orgasm spreads through him. He buries his face in Silver's neck, panting loud as he is rocked by wave upon wave of ecstasy.

It takes them both a while to come down, Gold pressing appreciative kisses along Silver's neck as his heartbeat slows. Gold feels languid and stupidly happy, Silver resting against him with both of their limp cocks still held in his sticky hand. He can't be bothered to think about cleaning up, despite the distinctly damp feeling of his clothing, but Silver seems to have it covered as he slides out of Gold's lap, tucking himself back into his underwear and opening the warm cocoon of their blanket to reach for his bag.

"I brought a change of clothes," Silver explains, pulling the bag into his lap and closing the blanket around them. Gold nods slowly, grin still fixed firmly in place. "Uh, for you, too," Silver adds, making Gold pause before bursting out laughing.

"You were angling for this, the whole time. You sneak," Gold smiles, and once they're changed, soiled clothes tossed against the opposite wall, he tugs Silver back into his lap and buries his face in red hair.

"We should do this again some time."

Silver scoffs, and Gold realizes the arrogant dick is back, but he hasn't attempted to squirm out of Gold's arms in indignation yet, so he doesn't really care.

"Some place warmer, next time. Where I can actually get you naked."

Silver does try to wiggle away at that, giving Gold a glimpse of his bright red face and embarrassed expression, but Gold holds him tight and eventually he gives up. He smiles and presses a kiss against Silver's ear, and surprises himself by wishing the storm would never stop.

rating -- [nc-17], pokemon, pairing -- gold/silver, !fic, gift

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