Title: One Should Be Wary What One Says Around Charles
Rating: G
Genre: idek. romance I guess
Pairings or Characters: implied Charles/Jay, implied Metis/Josh
Warnings: none
Word Count: 264
Summary: If even Metis notices, maybe Charles should, too.
Author Notes: Popping my HoneySyn fanfic writing cherry. Because it's about damn time. >8[ I love them
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Comments 7
The characterisations are spot on and the writing is pretty. Also: CUTE. *lessthanthree*
And the last line, ahahaha Charles.
(Dude, the HonSyn ending really came from out of the blue for me. It was like, OH AND THEN THESE CHARACTERS HAVE A REALLY FUCKED UP RELATIONSHIP, THE END. Which, er. Okay.)
alsk;fjghfskl thank youuuu. I'm always nervous about my grip on characters (always), especially when writing for a series with characters I've never written before, so YOU HAVE MADE ME FEEL MUCH LESS NERVOUS. /loves. and, uh. I needed to give the guys some cute. Josh/Metis cute is easy, but Charles/Jay cute is SO MUCH HARDER. guh.
the lad is very much a bastard. but a strangely lovable one, so he is forgiven. <3
(IKR. when I first read it I was just going wtffff. but then everyone in the lj comm was bitching and moaning, and I was like, 'well at least we got an end instead of nothing.' besides, now I can write lots of fix-it and future fics, which is never a bad thing 8D)
Charles is impervious to ordinary-cute. He's a bit like David Sedaris that way. ("THE PERFECT FLAG FOR THE LGBT MOVEMENT WOULD BE THE SKULL AND CROSSBONES, GODDAMMIT!")
(I guess my problem with it was that it didn't feel like a natural ending. I NEED MY RESOLUTION. ;_;
... on the other hand, this is light-years better than just leaving it hanging.
Other than that, lovely drabble ♥
but thank you! C:
...will there be more? I really want more ._.
yes, there will definitely be more! but I'm afraid I'm nowhere near as talented as some of the other fanfic writers in the fandom, so I don't know how in-character my future Charles/Jay fics will turn out (and they will, more likely than not, be Charles/Jay, because I'm obsessed with them lol).
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