alphabet meme

Apr 20, 2009 03:16

ganked from redbrunjaFor those unfamiliar, first you pick a letter. Then you pick a fandom (or a crossover) and a character or pairing. So an example would be E is for Educational - Iruka/Anko (Naruto). In turn you'll receive a ficlet of some kind ( Read more... )

yankee-kun to megane-chan, pairing -- sokka/toph, pairing -- asuma/kurenai, pairing -- shinagawa/adachi, meme, pairing -- chouji/ino, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [nc-17], pairing -- iruka/anko, !fic, pairing -- zuko/mai, rating -- [r], pairing -- sakura/ino, pairing -- kakashi/sakura, ouran, pairing -- mori/haruhi, pairing -- gai/kakashi, avatar, rating -- [g], pairing -- tamaki/haruhi, naruto

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L is for Love, II oceansex June 1 2009, 10:50:40 UTC
By the time they left, it was nearly three in the morning. If he had suggested they continue elsewhere, she would've agreed, but he told her he was walking her home. When they reached her apartment, she said the typical things most people usually said at the end of dates. "Thank you, I had fun." "I hope to do this again sometime." He was perfectly satisfied with that, and turned to leave when she finally said "Goodnight."

Before she could stop herself, she blurted out, "Why?"

He stopped, turned around, and raised an eyebrow at her. He didn't say anything, but the look on his face was egging her to finish her question.

She was growing slightly irritated that he seemed to read her so well, but continued anyway. "Why did you ask me out on a date? I mean, we've never worked together, I rarely see you around outside the Hokage's tower, and you made sure to ask me out when no one was around and take me someplace where no one would see us together. I'm not someone to mess around with, Sarutobi. Don't think you can play with me without me noticing."

He looked like he hadn't expected that, which made her a little bit smug. So he couldn't read her as well as he thought, she grinned. He began stepping towards her, and while she was tempted to step backwards, her pride kept her in place. She raised an eyebrow as he halted right in front of her and smiled again.

"I'm not playing with you. I just don't like to mix business with my personal life. It's not like you aren't private either," he added, which she furrowed her eyebrows at, "But I see you around, and I can't stop thinking about how much I'd like to take you on dates, get you gifts, pull you into one of those empty rooms in the tower and just make out with you like I'm a stupid teenager again. I want to come home from missions just to see you. Just to touch you."

She was pretty sure she was blushing hard by this point, but she had just enough pride and self-awareness left to keep her jaw from dropping open.

"So, I asked you out on a date 'cause I'm pretty damn sure I'm in love with you. Figured I'd give it a shot, though I think I sounded more creepy than anything," he mused with a chuckle.

It took her a moment to process what he'd just said, and even after she had, she remained silent and still. He seemed to take it as a rejection, and spun around to leave when a hand fell on his wrist and tugged him backwards into her apartment. He still wasn't sure what was going on until he was pushed back against the door until it closed and she placed an arm on either side of him.

"That, Sarutobi, was the sappiest, most random confession I think I've ever heard. Honestly, I've been a jounin for a month, and you're already in love with me?"

"Actually, I've seen you around since you were a chuunin. This isn't a sudden thing, y'know," he pointed out.

"You sure do know how to take your time. Well, whatever," she shrugged, still keeping him trapped between her arms. "So why haven't you started kissing me yet?" she asked, feigning boredom.

His mouth was on hers immediately, and she honestly didn't care that he tasted like cigarettes even though he hadn't smoked once since he picked her up. His beard felt rough against her smooth skin, and she was having a hard time catching her breath they way he was kissing so hard. There was a warmth pooling in her belly, the kind of heat she felt when the itch was there, begging her to find someone, anyone just to satisfy it. But there was another kind of warmth, too. A burning in her chest like her lungs were on fire that just hurt so good.

She knew that this was what it felt like to be loved.

Kurenai noted absently that this man was going to turn her into a sappy idiot the way he kept whispering in her ear how much he loved her, what he wanted to do to her, how long he dreamed of touching her like this. And she didn't really care.


Re: L is for Love, II surmise June 1 2009, 11:08:37 UTC
*wibbles* If Kishi did anything right, it was putting these two together, canonly. . . Okay, he did bring back Kakashi, so I guess he did two things right. If KakaSaku becomes canon, then it'll be three things ;D /too wishful

ANYWAYS. This was really cute T__T I wasn't expecting a first date type thing, but oh my god I loved it. It wasn't completely OOC, don't worry! I really liked it ;02349gj;aosfjkl.

I honestly really liked how you did something on how their relationship started; bittersweet to know what happens later on ;a2934gjawoekfj. . . I need sleep, I'm getting all gooey/sappy myself -__-;;


Re: L is for Love, II oceansex June 1 2009, 11:22:30 UTC
haha, yeah. Kishi isn't known for his good decisions, lol.

there's too much angst for them already, so I just couldn't do another post-Asuma's death fic. and I know I didn't get them right (I don't read/write them, like, ever) but I figured Asuma was a smug, playful kind of guy that's secretly romantic, I guess? and Kurenai's skeptical and bossy. and I have no idea if any of that's accurate, because I didn't read many of the manga sections with them in it, either. XD;;

glad you liked it enough anyway, bb. :)


Re: L is for Love, II surmise June 1 2009, 11:26:08 UTC
You know, re-reading my comment. . . I repeated myself a lot. LOLL.

You did a decent job; I'm not sure for the characterization either, though what you had seemed close to it, at least? Asuma was quite near perfect; I had that type of impression on him, especially after the whole buying flowers incident hehehehe.

Loved it ♥


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