alphabet meme

Apr 20, 2009 03:16

ganked from redbrunjaFor those unfamiliar, first you pick a letter. Then you pick a fandom (or a crossover) and a character or pairing. So an example would be E is for Educational - Iruka/Anko (Naruto). In turn you'll receive a ficlet of some kind ( Read more... )

yankee-kun to megane-chan, pairing -- sokka/toph, pairing -- asuma/kurenai, pairing -- shinagawa/adachi, meme, pairing -- chouji/ino, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [nc-17], pairing -- iruka/anko, !fic, pairing -- zuko/mai, rating -- [r], pairing -- sakura/ino, pairing -- kakashi/sakura, ouran, pairing -- mori/haruhi, pairing -- gai/kakashi, avatar, rating -- [g], pairing -- tamaki/haruhi, naruto

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L is for Love, I oceansex June 1 2009, 10:50:11 UTC
I have absolutely no freaking idea if I write either of these two well, let alone in character. they're probably wildly OOC. forgive me. ;__;

Kurenai was never a sentimental woman. She grew up in war, saw both friends and foes die before her eyes with regularity, and she worked in a profession where nothing would ever be able to get rid of the blood on her hands or the guilt in her heart for the atrocities she committed for her country. She never dreamed of getting married or having kids. She didn't date, and only occasionally when the itch just wouldn't go away, she'd nab someone cute enough for a quick romp and be done with it.

Asuma was a fairly laid back guy, and he had no reason to be, as far as Kurenai was concerned. He was in the same position as her, but his father was the Hokage, and the pressures he faced from his father even led him to leave Konoha for quite some time. She'd always considered him a bit of a fool, and wondered how he'd survived so long.

And then he asked her out on a date.

He smelled like cigarettes, showed up around ten o'clock, wore his typical jounin outfit after she'd taken the effort to dress up a little bit, told crappy jokes and took them to a cheap little restaurant she'd never been to before that smelled worse like cigarettes than he did. When she was served a plate of teriyaki that looked pitiful even when compared to meals she'd prepared herself, Kurenai was starting to wonder why she'd ever said yes.

Because you've nothing better to do.

Because he had the balls to ask.

Because you're lonely.

She stopped wondering immediately, not liking where that train of thought was leading. Asuma was still talking about something uninteresting when she took a bite of her meal, and the face she made was apparently shocked enough that he shut up and nearly asked if she was choking before she blurted out, "That is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten."

He blinked before bursting out laughing.

When he'd calmed down enough to speak properly again, as he wiped his eyes he leaned in towards her, smiling earnestly at her. She was a bit uncomfortable with the lack of distance between their faces and unconsciously leaned backwards a bit. He was staring at her over that grin of his, and she felt herself reddening slightly.

"Never judge a book by it's cover," was all he said on the matter before he pulled back, as if the moment hadn't happened, and dug into his own plate.

She still isn't sure where the rest of the night went. They never left the restaurant, but they finished their food fairly quickly and just sat around talking as she slowly warmed up to him and got used to the smell of cigarettes.


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