alphabet meme

Apr 20, 2009 03:16

ganked from redbrunjaFor those unfamiliar, first you pick a letter. Then you pick a fandom (or a crossover) and a character or pairing. So an example would be E is for Educational - Iruka/Anko (Naruto). In turn you'll receive a ficlet of some kind ( Read more... )

yankee-kun to megane-chan, pairing -- sokka/toph, pairing -- asuma/kurenai, pairing -- shinagawa/adachi, meme, pairing -- chouji/ino, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [nc-17], pairing -- iruka/anko, !fic, pairing -- zuko/mai, rating -- [r], pairing -- sakura/ino, pairing -- kakashi/sakura, ouran, pairing -- mori/haruhi, pairing -- gai/kakashi, avatar, rating -- [g], pairing -- tamaki/haruhi, naruto

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E is for Exclusive oceansex April 22 2009, 21:50:33 UTC
I have no Ino, Chouji, or Ino/Chouji icons. For shame. /sob

Chouji didn't really know what he had expected when he decided to finally suck it up and ask Ino out. What he definitely had not expected, however, was for her to say yes. Or for her to say it so casually before approaching the customer who had just walked in and helping him create a bouquet for his pregnant wife.

Chouji stared at her, slack-jawed, from his seat beside the counter -- Ino had placed two stools next to the check out counter for Shikamaru and Chouji, since they often came by whenever her parents had her on register duty -- as if she had sprouted feet from her forehead.

It weirded out the customer when he came up to the register to pay for his flowers, so Ino gave him a short glare which snapped him out of it. His jaw closed with a click of his teeth, and he pinched his cheek to make sure he wasn't imagining things. Once the customer left, throwing one last curious glance over his shoulder at the chubby young man, Ino leaned over the counter to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Why are you so freaked out?" she asked casually.

"You... You said yes. To me! Is this... Is this like when Shikamaru needs a date to get his mom to shut up, and then the second you finish dinner you go in the back with the waiter?" Ino reddened before slapping him over the back of the head.

"NO. And why does Shikamaru tell you that stuff anyway?"

"Wednesday is 'Rant About Ino' day."

"... Seriously?"

Chouji nodded.

"That asshole," she grumbled, examining one of her nails.

"... But you do know you said 'yes' to me, right?"

"Yes," she chuckled, looking back up at him.

"And that I'm going to think we're dating now?"

"Yes," she nodded, holding her hand over her mouth to stifle some of her giggling.

"And that I'm going to think this is exclusive? And that I'll get really upset if I catch you leaving with the waiter after dinner?" She rolled her eyes at that before leaning further over the counter, grabbing him by the collar, and pulling him in for a loud, wet kiss that she never gave that stupid Shikamaru or annoying waiters in the back of restaurants.


Re: E is for Exclusive surmise April 22 2009, 21:57:41 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEE. You make me fangirl. So bad T__T This was just so cute and how come I really want this to happen in Naruverse? RAWR. So cute a;woeigjsldkfj ♥♥♥!!!

. . . We both need some Ino, Chouji, ChouIno icons. Damnit.


Re: E is for Exclusive oceansex April 22 2009, 22:01:04 UTC
because ChouIno could totally happen in canon, and SOME couples need a friggin' happy ending. (here's looking at you KakaSaku & AsuKure /glares)

I need to find some fanart of them. ;o;


Re: E is for Exclusive surmise April 22 2009, 23:00:39 UTC
I need it to happen. . . AsuKure T_______T ♥



xhihi0x August 18 2012, 04:35:42 UTC

and aww.

There is not enough love for Chouji/Ino.


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