alphabet meme

Apr 20, 2009 03:16

ganked from redbrunjaFor those unfamiliar, first you pick a letter. Then you pick a fandom (or a crossover) and a character or pairing. So an example would be E is for Educational - Iruka/Anko (Naruto). In turn you'll receive a ficlet of some kind ( Read more... )

yankee-kun to megane-chan, pairing -- sokka/toph, pairing -- asuma/kurenai, pairing -- shinagawa/adachi, meme, pairing -- chouji/ino, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [nc-17], pairing -- iruka/anko, !fic, pairing -- zuko/mai, rating -- [r], pairing -- sakura/ino, pairing -- kakashi/sakura, ouran, pairing -- mori/haruhi, pairing -- gai/kakashi, avatar, rating -- [g], pairing -- tamaki/haruhi, naruto

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Re: K is for Kill anonymous August 18 2010, 16:47:36 UTC
Ooooh, I really, really liked this. Make no mistake, I've loved all the pr0n of K/S, S/N, S/I, and G/K -- not just because I ship those, like mad, it's also because of your insistent, consistent characterization.

However, this... I really can't count all the ways I'm a huge fan of this. Even though I like Kakashi/Sakura a whole lot, I can preferably see this as gen where they aren't in any sort of sexual or romantic relationship at all. I simply see it happening at one point in shippuden/beyond. It's so Kakashi, probably a little disturbed at that much trust when he doesn't see himself as having the greatest track record. Maybe even temptation because Sakura just sounds so young in my head when she stumbles through her reason, and it tricks him into thinking that she hadn't grown up and he hadn't fucked up with team 7 and she hadn't rightfully given the "sensei" position to someone else and now it's really only decoration for him. So he has to fix this. Now. Because, again, he doesn't seem himself like she does, and he'll get her killed letting them both be indulged by her trust. Because there's teamwork, and there's inappropriate. How quickly he detaches himself as seeing the enemy nin (and human) as an appropriate learning tool is both appalling (because this is a sixteen or thereabouts old girl), yet necessary/practical (because she's a fucking ninja duh).

And Sakura I just sldkjflsdjfsd. Her need for approval from like, everyone, that she isn't useless is so subdued in the manga but really hurts when you think about it. She feels like she's never anyone's first choice (and if she is, it won't last), not even her own teacher. Kakashi's observation that Sakura doesn't kill her enemies in his presence made me think of Wave Arc of all things, that's how amazing you are. I feel like Sakura's lasting impression was not just she shouldn't cry, but also how equally horrible her enemy's life might have been. And with Kakashi there, she thinks it's all right to indulge in that when she really can't, esp on missions to steal/kill where it's emphasized to be impersonal -- which would only make her think of her enemies life more BECAUSE she doesn't know them/if they're "evil" etc. Rather than, say, her fight with Sasori, where she was literally fighting for her life, Chiyo's, indirectly Naruto's, and the guy was plain in her way finding Sasuke again. Her emotional nature is her strength and weakness. Tsunade would have similarly done something just as tough love, but probably more sensitive to emphasize it as a lesson, in being a ninja, than being an asshole.

ALL those different angles were hitting me in the gut throughout this. I want to wrap Sakura up in a feather down blanket and set fire to the ninja system of making children grow up too fast. I can't even hate Kakashi, because he's only doing what he knows, how HE'S stayed alive so long.

This is so short and brief, but it was an amazing character-driven piece. in a way it was almost itachi/sasuke-light-ish teaching via death/pain? /ending stupid thoughts THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIVING ME THIS. &hearts


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