[drabbles] 13 naruto drabbles

Apr 14, 2009 16:51

working on a few fics between school work, but these drabbles are so much faster to write, so have another set of them while I work on my longer pieces! :3

I tried to do a few that were mostly dialogue this time. normally that's pretty hard for me, so I hope I did okay. >w<;; some slash and femslash ahead.

Protests [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
"I'm fine. Let go."

"No you aren't. Shut up."

"I said I don't need help."

"Stop being stubborn."

"... You aren't supposed to be here. Not with me.”

"Says who?"

Kakashi shuts up at that and slumps against her side, finally losing out to exhaustion and stupid girl logic.

Homecoming [Naruto, G]
Naruto walks back through the gates of Konoha a hero. They throw a small celebration, and he gets to eat ramen for the first time in what feels like centuries.

The blood of his friend staining his hands taints his meal, and he loses his appetite for noodles.

Girlfriends Are A Hassle [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Kakashi hates shopping. But when Sakura decides she's moving in and discovers he barely owns more than the clothes he wears everyday and his porn collection, she immediately drags him to the nearest mall to get more outfits and some furniture.

He ponders silently why he ever agreed to this.

The Disadvantages Of Artistic Skill [Sai/Sakura, G]
Sakura stared at the open sketchpad on the bench, jaw hanging open. Picking the pad up slowly, she examined it closer.

There, in amazing detail, was her own naked self painted on the paper in ink.

"I'm going to murder him!" she shrieked, storming off hard enough to create fissures.

Easter in Konoha [Naruto/Sasuke, G]
"Rabbits don't lay eggs, idiot."

"I know that! It carries them around in a basket."

"... What?"

"Nevermind. Here, a chocolate egg for you!"

"I don't want it."

"Shut up and take it, bastard!"

Sasuke takes a bite and grimaces.

"... Too sweet."

Naruto smiles and Sasuke sighs.

When Their Timing Was Off [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
When Sakura loved Kakashi, she made sure he knew it. She pestered him constantly, bringing up her feelings at every opportunity, and generally being what he considered a huge pain.

When Kakashi loved Sakura, she'd already decided to moved on and he didn't have the heart to change her mind.

Doorsteps [Shikamaru/Ino, G]
Ino blinks, staring at the man in her doorway dressed in formal wear.


"I've already explained myself," he says dismissively, holding out his hand.

She is frozen for another minute before she snaps out of it and grins at him.

"Really. So troublesome," Shikamaru sighs, rolling his eyes.

Conditions [Iruka/Anko, G]
Iruka tried reasoning, arguing, using his best puppy dog look, and eventually shouting before he finally resorted to begging. Anko remained unmoved.

"Strip," she demanded suddenly, a smile tugging at her lips at the look on his face, "and then I might consider it."

Inebriation Provides Opportunity [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Kakashi is an interesting drunk. He's actually a lightweight, but to the untrained eye, he never appears any different. Sakura, however, has known him for ten years, and the minute alcohol enters his system, he's far less guarded. She takes advantage of this to worm her way into his heart.

She Knows He Can Take It [Tsunade/Jiraiya, G]
Tsunade has lost count of the times she has pounded Jiraiya's lecherous face into the ground.

Jiraiya keeps a record of each time, being sure to note how close to copping a feel he gets before she takes notice through her drunken haze and breaks him in two.

So Much Has Gone Awry, So Little Has Gone Well [Ino/Sakura, PG]
Ino is lost in a sea of blood when Sakura finds her. She says nothing, the only sign that she's still living the slow rise and fall of her chest and the steady stream of tears that she just can't stop.

Sakura kisses her forehead and holds her.

Adjectives [Kakashi/Sakura, PG-13]
As he devours, dominates and takes all of her before she comes to her senses and turns him away, Kakashi wonders why someone so obnoxious, naive, stubborn, brilliant, moody, finicky, beautiful, demanding, exhausting, selfless and loving would ever give herself to him in the first place.

Heat [Sasuke/Naruto, R]
Naruto thought he knew about heat. When the kyuubi's chakra was released, his skin literally melted away.

But in Sasuke's arms, with the warmth of his lover's mouth pressed against him and fingers inside him, he feels so hot his lungs begin to burn.

rating -- [pg-13], pairing -- sai/sakura, pairing -- shikamaru/ino, rating -- [pg], !drabbles, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [r], pairing -- sakura/ino, pairing -- tsunade/jiraiya, pairing -- kakashi/sakura, pairing -- iruka/anko, rating -- [g]

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