[drabbles] 13 naruto drabbles

Apr 08, 2009 02:24

NEW LAYOUT. 8D not sure I love it. might keep switching through the night before I settle on one. but this one's nice~

and now drabbles! <3 took me a bit to get the inspiration going for these, so the first three aren't that great (at least I don't think so). again, just giving everyone a heads up that there is slash and femslash in a few of these, as well as way too many that are Kakashi/Sakura. XD;;

Concerns [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
"You'll be fine," he tells her, faking a smile behind his mask. Her eyes linger on him for a moment before she nods, half-smiles and turns away.

He fears for the scars he knows she'll return with and wonders how he will fare without her beside him.

Formal Wear [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Sakura had never seen him in formal wear before. It was odd, disorienting, and a bit unnerving. But when he offered his hand and asked her to dance, scratching idly at his exposed chin in discomfort, she found herself falling in love all over again.

Bravery [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Kakashi stares at the recently vacated seat across from him, cursing his own stubbornness. As much as he knows this is how it should be, he can't help but wish he had the courage to be selfish and take what he wants for once.

Sleepover [Naruto/Sasuke, G]
"Idiot, get off," Sasuke grumbles, kicking Naruto in the shin. The blond grunts in pain, but refuses to budge. "'m comfy," he mumbles sleepily, rubbing his nose into the other boy's neck.

Sasuke fights back a shiver and sighs in defeat before adjusting their blanket and closing his eyes.

Never Saying What You Mean [Sakura/Ino, G]
Ino lets out a sigh, kicking her rival-slash-best-friend beneath the table and earning a yelp and a scowl in return.

"What was that for?" Sakura grunts. Ino is tempted to say, 'You're so beautiful it drives me crazy.'

Instead, she smirks and says, "You're so ugly it pisses me off."

Selfish Wishes [Kiba/Hinata, G]
Kiba remembers when Hinata was invisible to everyone but him. He remembers how lonely she looked and how he wished he was brave enough to talk to her.

Now, as proud as he is that she's grown and gained many friends and admirers, he quietly wishes she was invisible again.

Coffee [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Kakashi was on his fifteenth cup of coffee when Naruto finally asked him why he was drinking so much.

"Every time I close my eyes, I can't forget," he says, which explains nothing to the blond. Behind them, Sakura keeps her eyes shut tight and revels in the memories.

Cracks [Sasuke/Sakura, G]
Break. She wants him to break. She pumps chakra into her fingertips and squeezes, feels the fragile bones beneath her fingers begin to crack, but freezes when he opens his eyes.

"Do it," he commands, tears in his eyes. She breaks him quickly, and leaves his body for the buzzards.

Sasuke Should Just Admit He Likes It [Sasuke/Naruto, G]
Sasuke blinks as the bracelet is presented to him before raising an eyebrow.

"And this is for...?"

"Your birthday," Naruto smiles.

"... Right." Naruto continues looking at him expectantly until he grimaces and adds, "I'm not wearing it." The blond's face falls as Sasuke carefully pockets the trinket for later.

What She Sees [Chouji/Ino, G]
"Why do you like her?" Shikamaru asks in exasperation.

"She sees me," Chouji replies.

"It's hard not to see you," Kiba snickers before being hit over the head rather forcefully. But Chouji only chuckles.

"You'd be surprised,” he smiles before heading towards the flower shop.

The Price Of Temptation [Kakashi/Sakura, R]
Kakashi sucks at her collarbone, tasting the salt of her sweat and the sweetness of her skin, and realizes this must be the taste of the forbidden fruit. He wonders just how long it will be until they're expelled from paradise as she moans and writhes beneath him.

The Usual Saturday Routine [Iruka/Anko, R]
Iruka hisses, the slide of Anko's tongue against him delicious and hot as he slides his fingers through her hair. She looks up at him and grins, loving the way he reacts to her touch, before she tightens her fingers around him to draw another groan from his lips.

Aftermath [Kakashi/Sakura, R]
Sakura tries to forget the way his mouth felt against her skin and his fingers felt inside her, but decides she doesn't really want to.

Kakashi wants to forget the way she made him fall in love, but finds he can't no matter how hard he tries.

pairing -- chouji/ino, !drabbles, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [r], pairing -- sakura/ino, pairing -- kiba/hinata, pairing -- kakashi/sakura, pairing -- iruka/anko, pairing -- sasuke/sakura, rating -- [g], naruto

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