[fic post] The Days Go By Oh So Slow

Nov 18, 2008 14:23

Written for challenge 19 over at ouran_contest.

Title: The Days Go By Oh So Slow
Rating: G
Genre: General
Pairings or Characters: Host Club (one-sided MoriHaru if you squint)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 561
Summary: Haruhi has trouble being patient, and surprisingly, the Host Club has trouble helping her waste time.
Author Notes: This is my first Ouran fic, so ( Read more... )

ouran, pairing -- mori/haruhi, !fic, rating -- [g], contest entry

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hooves February 2 2009, 05:13:25 UTC
[Putters in last]

I have no Ouran icon at the moment (working on that, I swear!) to put here, so...generic any-fandom-goes icon instead? Haha.

Anyway, you seem to like Mori and Haruhi, so I'm interested in reading this. They're both such interesting characters. I only hope that I can pull them off. Anyway, I'm going to read and try to leave you intelligent feedback. (Your journal's format is hard for me to read (tiny font), so sorry for any spelling errors or anything.)

the slowness of just getting there eats away at her so badly she can’t think to appreciate it.

Amen to that! I understand that feeling completely. I'm sure we've all been there a time or two...or ten. ;) If not more! Right now for me... My job ends in April. I'll be out of a job at the beginning of April. A part of me wants time to slow down because I need money to pay my bills but another part of me is glad to be laid off because I can find a job I might like better, even if it doesn't pay as well. Plus, haha, I can try my hand at writing original things, maybe. Of course, April is taking forever to get here.

But short and sweet-- putting things in your writing like that works perfectly. Why? It's something almost everyone can relate to in one way or another.

Anyway, I like the little bits and pieces in there... Like about the twins staging a fight that wasn't even worth trying, and Honey being adorable, and Kyouya not even trying. Tamaki of course, was adorable. And Mori's words ring so true. If I'd have known life was so intense and insane after high school, I'd have sat back and enjoyed the simplicity studied harder so I could go to college.

Anyway, this was a lovely little drabble. I'll have to check out your others, now. =] Thanks for a nice read!


oceansex February 2 2009, 17:35:52 UTC
I don't know why I love MoriHaru so much, but I suppose it's my own preference of tall-dark-and-silent guys influencing my shipping, lol. They have some cute moments together, too, so it's not like it's impossible... Well, a girl can dream!

I totally threw that line in thinking about my own situation. I wrote this around halfway through my first semester of college, and I was like, "Why can't winter break get here already? I just want vacation!" But then I remember everyone telling me that spring semester flies by without you even noticing (and, low and behold, so far it's zooming by) and it totally reminded me about my senior year of high school. Then I was like, "Haruhi's in high school. Probably dying to get out, too. HUZZAH!" and the line was created, lol.

And I had a lot of fun writing the Host Club's different approaches to trying to help Haruhi. This was my first Ouran fic, so I wanted to be sure to include everyone, and I hoped my interpretations were accurate (or at least giggle-worthy, as I consider Tamaki and Kyouya's approaches lol).

Your reviews are absolutely wonderful. Also, I hope you don't mind me friending you. (:


hooves February 2 2009, 18:09:09 UTC
Hell yes a girl can dream! Actually, one of my Ouran buddies (who is also a Rose of Versailles buddy) prefers Mori/Haruhi over all of Haruhi's other possible pairings. Also, I like tall dark-haired, dark-eyed men myself. Being blonde myself I'm not generally attracted to blond men (in anime or otherwise), so...yeah. But Tamaki is special, I guess. His personality is win.

I'm always looking forward to the next vacation, so I understand. Time off is so...nice. Relaxing. (I almost said "refreshing"!)

I love it when lines just come to you. I wish that happened to me several times a day. =P I'd never stop writing. (Well, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome tends to stop me, but so long as it doesn't act up, I could be unstoppable!)

And I'm glad you like my little reviews! =] Mind you friending me? Of course not! I'm absolutely honored, and I friended you back! ♥


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