Nov 12, 2004 19:09
Okay, so I'm sort of... out of it. *shrugs* I didn't have school today, so I got to sleep ALL AFTERNOON. It felt very nice though, so I can't complain. I was only woken up twice, and then the third call I was pretty much already up. Saoirse is moving to Dixon tomorrow, so she's coming up tonight to stay over. A sort of last night together. Right now she's having dinner with her mom, but after that I'm meeting her in town to treat her to ice cream at the expensive, organic ice cream shop. They have some pretty cool stuff though, like the Earthquake. The Earthquake is a long platter with ten scoops of ice cream and all the toppings. It takes a lot of people to eat it all, so that's what I'm getting instead of an ice cream cake for my birthday. Yay!
Speaking of birthdays, I have to figure out what I'm going to do about my invitation. I had this cool one with a sexy guy on the cover, but the card making program crapped out, and Microsoft wouldn't do what I want, and then Adobe Photoshop wouldn't either. >< I learned Illustrator about a week ago, so this last week I made up a really pretty text invite. I figured I'd print it on funky paper so that it would look cool or whatever. But I found this awesome Asian paper with a border on both sides. I might use typography to make a real classy one sided invitation on this paper, unless I want to keep it. Choices, choices.
I'm going shopping tomorrow, on another note. We're going to two malls, a giant bookstore, an import store, Target, Best Buy, Costco, and Anime Baka. It's going to be much fun. Four teenagers with no adults let loose to go shopping. :) I have like $160 (minus what I spend on ice cream tonight) but I only have to buy for like 3 people. I have to buy for my sister, my parents, my grandfather, and my aunt. Ok, so it's 4 people. And then I have to send $50 to Utah the first week of December, put $20 in for my sister's bday, and then send another $50 to Utah in mid December. My parents can't know about the money to Utah, or they'll kill me. Yep, they'd murder me. But B & J are having a hard time a bit, and J needs a new job, so I thought it would help. They won't let me help otherwise.
Bah. Blah blah blah.