Another day another dollar?

May 07, 2024 12:36

Because I promise myself to keep writing more. Can't call myself a writer without carving out a little time here and there to at least journal something.

What I dislike I suppose is the mundane day to day of diary writing "dear diary - yesterday was a shit day at work, the powers that be took my advise that a problem needed dealing with. Took that away and took a flame thrower to the whole damn system. NO that wasn't what I mean you fools. Does NO ONE understand risk management? Oh and at least two tools are broken again and someone is taking a week off for some personal emergency and you can handle another contract right? Yeah the new one that no one has told us anything about.... Yeah Vicky being blunt is fine, you keep being blunt, that was really sensible. Well I'd prefer they be sensible before they go scorched earth."

So yes, a life moment. It may come into play again later with the next promotion. The one I applied to in November, and they've been paying me for since last May, that suddenly got put on hold. I'm pretty sure that the scheduling job is mine when it comes around, but it's not guaranteed. In part because the last time I went postal on them it was about handing our promotions without a fair and due process of internal posting. Silly me.

But really call centre work - even in the backend of ops and RTA. (Hint there's very little analysis in Real Time Analyst.) This isn't the stuff of riveting writing. There's drama like yesterday - but it's not terribly interesting drama. I suppose what it IS is some insight to "who Vicky is at work". Vicky is an Ops person, whether Airline or Dog Rescue, or Grocery, or Call Centre, Vicky needs to be in the thick of making things happen, preferably as a side kick, I don't mind running the show but perhaps my people skills are a touch lacking so I do better feeding the good ideas and the "this is what needs to happen" to the people in charge. Professional Duck Herder and Side Kick. I get into trouble when I run out of patience with those who don't seem to have the same skills I do. My wife likes to remind me that an IQ of 100 is median... half the world is less than that, and of course in my private life I've surrounded myself with people brighter than I am, so I tend to lose patience with "zomg how could you be so dumb??" (although I have never actually said that to anyone, I am at least socially adept enough to wrap it in more polite language. )  My failures as a Chief Dispatcher were mine, I'll own that. But, they were also failures of the environment, and the people I worked for, and with, and a lack of any support learning how to balance those things. 14 years later my nemesis is sitting on the board as a director, and I'm scrambling to make do with grunt work, so who's the screw up here? Honestly I don't entirely know. I do know that my brother Ric used to tell me the tale about how at the age of 3 I was already coming up with elaborate plans and schemes and knew exactly what needed to be done and by who and handing out assignments, and would completely melt down when everyone didn't play the game my way. That's still me. Central to my personality. The only difference is in having learned that, no, not everyone is going to play along, or see things my way, or do things my way (no matter how right I might be), and more or less learned to allow that other people will have a different opinion and a different solution, and they're entitled to be wrong (LOL only kidding, kind of).

In the long run, it's possible that my failure in the Airline industry will be my success in the Call Centre industry, but I kind of doubt it, the current trajectory of advancement would be RTA-Scheduling-Capacity Planning- Business Insights. I don't have the data processing programming skills / background to really succeed in that direction. I know people in the company who have gone back to school to get those credentials to make that trajectory happen, but I'm turning 59 this year, I'm not sure I have the time/energy for that. So where this will lead me I don't quite know, there really isn't a professional Duck Herder position in the chain that I can see.

Lets see what Tuesday brings

evolution, mondays, airplanes, work, leo woman

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