Our trip over to Nova Scotia was perfectly wonderful many ways. We had the most delightful host, a lovely lady with newfs .... just so we wouldn't be missing our daily dose of slobber.
She was delightful - and most exceedingly kind to offer bed and board to a couple of weirdos she only knows through the internet.
The weather was gorgeous (and hot), and our rental car got upgraded to a rather flash Dodge Charger, so the hours and hours of driving we did was really very much a pleasure.
Alas though, the purpose of the trip, to find a home, was severely disappointing and a bit shocking and we're now trying to recover, regroup, and plan to send James back again with a NEW plan very soon, now that we have a better understanding of the lay of the land.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't expect Sandringham for under $100K, we fully expect to have to contribute some sweat equity to this whole business ... but we must have something a) that ISN'T about to collapse on it's foundation and b) is actually livable... We saw one place that "we could make it work" ... but do we really want to spend the top of our budget for the last home we'll own on something that "wellllllllll it'll do......". Hence the decision to rethink, regroup and start again.
The plan for the commercial property was really the first thing to get tossed, the building was large as was the property, but it was such a rambling mess and the river frontage didn't really allow for water access, just getting it to a point of being viable would be a HUGE project, and not one I could see the bank getting behind even if we wanted to take on something so massive. So that at least expands our search area again, but the bigger the search area, the harder it is to see everything in an expedient manner. I think though dollar wise, we can rule out the Annapolis Valley - to get what we need is just a little bit too expensive. So it looks like Yarmouth might be a better bet for us, and perhaps the South Shore. There's one or two places in the interior halfway between Bridgetown and Bridgewater than at least pique our interest.
Just as well, came home and it looks that - while the second home inspection went very well and I really don't think there are any concerns there and that should all be cleared up (we should hear back for sure on Monday) ... it appears our buyers may not be quite as financially viable as they're trying to appear. Our dear agents are earning their commission making sure our asses are covered. On the one hand it's a bit concerning, on the other hand I didn't entirely like the feel of this deal from the beginning. Even though the end price was very fair to all, it just gave me a bad feeling - so I'm thinking oddly enough that I'm feeling a bit relieved that it might go funky, somehow what should be bad news tastes in my mouth like good news. *shrug* I really don't know how it's all gonna turn out.
In the meantime, the movers are coming to take The Feychild's stuff to Ottawa tomorrow, and she leaves the following Monday... she's got more stuff than we originally thought so hopefully we don't bust budget too badly on this... or anything else. Still it's an exciting time for her, and for the manchild, and I probably racked up more dollars on my Sears card yesterday on housewares for them both than I should have - but I've never been able to do BIG stuff for the kids, so I do what little stuff I can - a small nest egg and a few hundred dollars in pots and pans and toasters, doesn't seem like a lot to do to see them start out right. I know, most of the world starts out with jelly glasses from Value Village, and there's plenty of used stuff and old housewares nicked from my cupboards in their stuff (really I don't honestly need 5 dozen steak knives). Still cash is getting tight again, need to pay for her move, and the August bills, so keeping our fingers and toes crossed that Nissan finally comes up with a cheque in the next two weeks.
So aside from making the cash hold out, and not blowing our entire buying budget before we even get there, we just need to sort out the movers. They're not going to be terribly pleased with the no confirmed destination or destination day, but there isn't much I can do about that unfortunately, so we'll talk to them about what they're going to need.
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