Blessings of the season

Dec 11, 2011 00:04

I spent the morning with my eldest son, and my husband hunting the woods around the house for this year's tree.

David and Frosty and I spent the afternoon decorating it, with james_b kitbitzing. The Feychild will be home from school next weekend for her holiday break.

I am blessed.

It's not a Charlie Brown tree, and it sure isn't a Martha Stewart tree (but then I expect the folks around here to shoot me and put me out of their misery if I ever turn into Martha Stewart). It's a nice tree, from our own property, it has some empty spots, it isn't perfectly symmetrical, it's a little soft and weak - Newfoundland firs tend to be that way, unlike the Nova Scotia scotch pines down at Home Depot. But it's OURS, from our land, from our space, cut by us, put up by us, decorated by us.

I am blessed

It's been a hard year for us. My not working has not been a good thing, and at times just a wee bit frightening. We have some irons in the fire, but we're still not sure what or how things are all going to play out in the New Year.

But non of that matters.

I am blessed.

I am blessed with a husband and children who love me, extended family that while far away still thinks of us kindly, we're healthy, we're surrounded by a warm and beautiful home, and a menagerie of fur beasts of much character and love.

I am blessed.

I know this all sounds a lot like a Hallmark card. Or a Precious Moments. BUT

I am blessed.

It hasn't always been this way, as the long time followers of my ramblings know all too well. And as tough and weird and a little bit frightening as things are right now.

Gosh darn it.


I am blessed.

Originally posted to: The Plan® comment there or here

ohana, graditude, james, yuletide, life in the real world, leo woman

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