This taking a break thing is hard work!

Dec 06, 2011 14:16


I'd promised myself I'd take the month of December off of working on the house. I wanted to enjoy the holidays, we have company visiting (my son David is here from Toronto) and I just wanted to relax and enjoy the family.

December isn't even a week old and I'm exhausted from the whole 'taking a break thing'!

Ok, in all fairness, I had fallen a bit behind on the finishing the downstairs by the end of November plan (as usual), and had to get at least some of the trimwork finished in the dining room and living room in order to put them back into a state they can be used for the holidays. But between that, and running off to Toronto to pick up David, and discovering my Mom was still in hospital as she didn't feel comfortable looking after herself after having broken her arm a couple weeks back, oh and then there was the mass baking to finish the holiday treats to get mailed out in a doggie secret santa pact from one of the forums I'm on.... I'd already done it once but, the delays in finishing the rest of the gifts the cookies weren't crispy fresh any more - so rebaked, was so tired and flustered Sunday I ended up doing them all TWICE (can we say, 'third time's the charm?'), oh and then there was the making of the pompoms and the squeaky bean bag frog, all rushed to make the mail on Monday ... oops too late, (again? STILL? something...), it IS going in the mail today - and the groceries and pack up the mess from the crafting and still more baseboards and cleaning in the family room, and then there's find and install a Christmas tree and do the turkey dinner or something thing and take David back to Toronto, and did I forget to mention that there are a COUPLE of job possibilities in the works, one of which involves a written exam on Dec 19th, and neither I'll hear anything back about until well into the New Year so I won't jinx anything with more detail, but they could definitely throw some weird wrenches into the works of 'The Plan®', which is kinda in a place of reexamining at the moment now for reasons to be discussed later and I gots to make a gingerbread house and bake some holiday treats for us, and I really wanna catch up a few blog posts and get my house hunting maps up to date, oh did I mention the virus that ate my computer and I still don't have everything back in place, but the Yuletide cards are done and the rest will be in the mail with today's trip to the post office, and at least Michelle got her prezzie on time (she loved it ... go ME), but nothing mailed to Oz for the folks there because we WERE hoping for a holiday visit from the sister and brother in law (his), and they'd carry our presents back to the land down under with them, but their son is flying home from Kentucky to Brisbane for the New Year, so they won't be visiting until 'later' (whenever that is), and yes I decided I've had my FB account turned off for 6 months, but I end up using the dog's account anyway so I might as well turn it back on, and btw the house, and the downstairs are still a mess, and I gotta clean the walls and mop and paint the mudroom and do the backsplash in the kitchen and a LOT of doors and door frames to be painted (and still a couple of windows), and even if the plan does get modified I NEED to be finished my March 31st ... I just DO, and there's the Feychild coming home from college, and going back to college, and Frosty's here but in the midst of pre-holiday break exams and then he goes back in January - gotta get his fees paid, and we really NEED to get the boy into driving lessons so he'll not be dependent on us forever and ever and....

..... and yes, I really do talk like this. Just ask james_b.

BTW... I am sorry, I'm a little behind on my journal reading this week.

Originally posted to: The Plan® comment there or here

holidays, apothecary kitchen, james, life in the real world, etc etc etc, leo woman, ohana, yuletide, geeking

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