Here be a recap of American Idols Live 2009... (I'm feeling piratey today... blame Neal)
More adventures of Stepholyn anyone?
So I started off the day running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to make sure I had all needed supplies. But no one cares about that. XD So I got to the venue at 11am and found a spot and set up chairs and waited for Stephie. And then she got there and settled.... and I inspected her Jonas Brothers bag that she was all embarrassed to have. OOPS! Guess I outed her. XD And she painted my thumb nail so I could be the Kris to her Adam. lol We were in the shade when I set up the chairs... but... unfortunately... the sun moves. lol And it hit me first and proceeded to bake one half of me more than the I look slightly freakish with one side of me sunburnt XD But oh well.
So I had to pee... like really bad... and I did not find out til later that there was a bathroom open where we were... sooo I went and drove to the bookstore down the street and Steph texts me that the guards are coming out while I'm driving back and I was all: HURRY UP RED LIGHT lol But I knew they always came out earlier than the Idols so I had a little time. And I ended up having to wait for awhile even when I got back. lol So a little while later, we saw Scoots (Scoot, we call him Scoots) coming up the stairs with his handler/leader/helper guy. He was not Todd... but he was adorable. And he talked to me. XD But anyway... lol When Scoots got to me I was like: HIII! all super high pitched and dorky. And he goes: Well that was a very enthusiastic Hi! To which I giggled... cuz that's what I do. XD He actually looked at the camera in my pic! Nice job Scoots! *claps*
Then after Scoots left we saw Matty coming up the stairs! \o/ And he was wearing a hat just like my plan called for! :D Actually everyone was saw in the afternoon was wearing a hat... O_o ) So when he first got there I was like: You have to look at our sign! So he did! And he was all: Ahh, nice! And then he signed by his name. Then he told me he liked my hat and in my head I was like: Good that goes along with my plan. XD So I was like: Do you think we could switch hats for a pic? And at first I think he just thought I was asking for a pic but then I took my hat off and he was like: Oh I see you wanna wear this one, huh? Alright, I'll rock yours. XD So we switched hats and got our pic :D
Then afterward, and adorable little moment happened. Matt and I both took off the hats and placed them on each others head at the exact same time... clearly we are married now. :D
So a little while after that people started screaming cuz they saw Michael down by the buses. He was talking on his cell phone and he waved at us. Everyone was yelling at him to come up so he got off the phone and headed up the stairs. He was just chatting with everybody. And he's like: What is there to do in this town anyway? Me: Nothing *shakes head* lol And he said his name wasn't on our sign and we were gonna make him cry. XD Way to make me feel bad Sarver LOL But I told him he tweeted me a couple weeks ago when i wasn't feeling well and made me all happy :D
So at this point, it was almost 4pm and the guard said they all had to be inside at 4 cuz of soundcheck and it was way hot so Steph and I went to sit in my car and blast the AC on us and eat some food. So at about quarter to 6 we went down to this party thing at the one corner of the building cuz they were having a raffle for After party passes... which we didn't win. lol And they had a really, really terrible band full of teenagers. *makes eww face*
So we got in found our seats and watched them play Idol music videos, including Come Back To Me. Which was pretty funny how we both stared at it as if we hadn't seen it 500 times before. XD But one cannot look away from a giant Dave... especially when one is still trying to figure out why that taxi took him to the forest... O_o But I digress...
Everyone did an excellent job! Really... everyone. lol I think it's always true, but especially this year everyone was much better on the tour than even the show. They're comfortable, they're having fun and they're GOOD! :D
I loved Scoots' comedy routine between songs. XD I know he's been telling the same jokes all tour but... they're still funny... cuz he's just funny. LOL
Matt has the best pants in the world. O_O Like... they're just fabulous. lol And he's fabulous... I love him so much! <3
Manoop did not strip for me D: But they still rocked it :D
Now I'm gonna be honest, cuz that's how I roll. XD I adore Adam as a person, I've just never been able to really get into his kinda music. But the man can PERFORM the shit out of anything. lol I am glad some of the children there were too young to know what he was doing though XD And I hope that whip didn't land on anyone's head. LOL
My bb Kris was soooo amazing! <3 I was flailing all over teh place! <3 My camera battery was starting to die at this point so when I tried to film him I only got like a minute before it refused to work any longer. lol But I just rocked out with him. He's so tiny and perfect and wonderful. *gushes*
Here, have some not that great pics XD
My sparse videos lol
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So we make our way outside and manage to find a spot with only one row of people in front of us. My ankles were starting to really bother me at this point and I did not want a repeat of the fair so I sat on the ground. XD Steph tried to make sure now one stepped on me. LOL So finally screaming started and Adam was coming up the stairs. Things got a little insane. O_O lol I got very squishied XD But I got Steph's Rolling Stone signed for her with my longer arms and I got program signed. lol And I even managed to get my camera to juice up for one more gorgeous pic! <3
So then we got Megan, Lil and Scoots and Matt again. And then I saw Kris and started jumping up and down going: Krissifer! Krissifer! XD LOL He's so freaking tiny and adorable! And when I held my book up for him to sign he grabbed it where my hand was and squeezed down on my finger. XD And that's all I've talked about since... <3 I have the happiest finger in the world! <3
And then Danny came out and kissed this baby and it cried... was funneh. XD
Guards told us it was over and we could go away. lol So I drove Steph to her car and we were both figuring out how to get to our respective homes. lol The entrance I needed to get onto the highway home was closed so I had to call my dad to figure out some other way. He told me I would hit Neil (Ave) and I was all: Don't wanna hit Neal.. I like him. XD Anyway... I missed my turn and ended up driving a bit out of my way but I got home safe and sound and exhuasted lol
I will see Stephie next week for GRO! \o/