Epic David Cook signage

Dec 01, 2008 16:28

Alright... it's time to help me out peeps! I have compiled a list of sign ideas for when I go see David and the BOUH IN 10 DAYS!!! And I'd like to know what you guys think of em, and which one is your fave. You don't have to comment if you're too lazy, but at least vote in the poll. It takes like two seconds to click on something people! I'm not gonna say that I will definitely make which ever one wins, I get final say obviously. But I suck at making my own decisions so I'll most likely listen to yours. lol Feel free to leave me a comment about your whys and whatnots of what you chose.

So, here's the descriptions of all my ideas:

1. My very first idea. A poster which says 'David Cook and the band have NICE HAIR!" Along with pics of some of their most epic hair moments. For those of you who don't know, I'm pretty obsessed with all of their hair. lol

2. For Dave: A picture of a cheeseburger. "Please eat me! Don't worry, I'm mustard free! We miss the tumtum!" (I haven't decided if I actually have the guts to make this one yet. lol )

3. For Andy: "Red Pants are AWESOME!" I heard he thinks so... I want him to know I agree with him. XD

4. For Dave: "I heard you like grapefruit so I brought you one!" (comes with a grapefruit) So, I hope Kara and Ashliegh don't get mad at me for horning in on their grapefruitness.... but I felt bad that he didn't actually get one. lol

5. For anyone I'm pointing it at, but mostly Dave: Why are you so awesome?! No seriously, answer me! We wanna know, we don't understand!" This came from my lovely friend Laura asking me why Dave was so awesome on a daily basis... I though maybe he would know, cuz we can't figure it out.

Poll David Cook signage

david cook owns me!, band of ultimate hotness, skibby skib skibster, helpz me flist!

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