Monday roundup

Jun 16, 2008 13:51

The good: First gay marriage in SF under new law for lesbian couple together fifty-five years to happen this afternoon.

The sad: The geriatric version of Romeo and Juliet.

The ugly: "Pro-life" pharmacies refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control.

The utterly adorable, from cleaning out the archives:

This is baby cousin Joshua, now four years old.

Mom and Benjamin.


...And the completely fantastic:
a Flight of the Conchords song that parodies the Pet Shop Boys better than anything else I've heard in my life. I heard it for the first time this morning on the way to class, and could not stop cracking up. It's brilliant.

you know you're not in high finance
considering second-hand underpants
check your mind
how'd it get so bad?
what happened to all those other underpants you had?
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