my hair is getting caught on sticky oil
the engine is warm as i try to sleep
as the hood cools it contracts and makes it's moaning deep throat sound
my heart buried inside like a circus deep in the heart of Mexico
on the side of dirt roads i wait like a maid for the right hand-out of a ride
all our friends are fading in the mirror positioned to see the past
my mechanical eyes twitch as i sleep
beneath the bones i wish to escape
in my head i'm not supposed to know what i am writing about
i notice all that surrounds me
my feet tucked under my thighs look like cars flipped on their side
i keep breathing and trance into a thought that makes me think i am nothing but a million cells put into one bag
and now
i am supposed to figure out what is right and how to do wrong without feeling guilty
i am cells but only for a moment
only for a day
i last for eternity
my yellow bag warm and moist at times keeps me concealed
but i want to show you the real me
my heart is as warm as cat skin and as soft as escargot
my surroundings are electric voices drowning in the alcohol that begins to tricky my ears with more blood
the kills my ambition
i get to the door and no one is ever there in the end