subject. *grins*

Mar 30, 2004 15:54

All right, gave my presentation today and while I wish I had looked up more and not read so much, I still feel it went well. My problem with reading is I often write more eloquently than I speak (though I have been trying to change that recently) and therefore feel that I've stated my opinions better in a pre-written speech, then with cue cards and lots of um's and eh...'s. *wink* But I seriously am pleased with the paper and if it doesn't get a good grade, I'd like to sit down and talk to Zbach about the reasons why, so in the future I can write even better. I have a feeling the point of the essay went over the heads of half the people in the room, but I could be wrong. ::shrugs:: I'd like to think I hit it home but since there were no questions, other than from Dr. Zbach about one of my sources, I can't really say if it had any effect. ^__^;;

Speaking of writing, I have between now and 9 pm to finish at least the 4 one-page papers because....24 comes on tonight! *bounces* Wa-cha! After three weeks of waiting, I finally get a chance to see this fabulous show so many people rave about. I don't see any problem with accomplishing this goal since I'm going to eat dinner here in the room (aka, forget to eat until after work is finished and then scarf something down), so ra-ra for me.

Also on the writing front, not too long ago, the fictional writing center of my brain awoke from its coma and decided I should finish "It's No Good" within the next month or so. I think it's lost it's little mind (no pun intended), but I have written a sentence or two in between these massive writing assignments and with any luck, I can put in some real work once the rough draft of my research paper is behind me. We shall see, though, we shall see.

I do so ♥ this icon, because I feel it works both as a grim, "getting down to business," icon, as well as a light-hearted, "Hey I'm sexeh!Kiefer, getting down to business," icon. ::laughs:: Or I'm just a little loony from all these papers. And it reminds me of the song I stole the lyric from so nyao.
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