When life goes wrong

Aug 11, 2004 19:13

You know i always knew i could count on someone to make me happy again. NO matter how bad im feeling no matter where i am or where you are you are always really here.. I know we may no see eachother as we wish we would we are really always in eachothers hearts. I had the best time of my life last night. It was so reasurring knowing you still love me as much as i love you...Even though dinner was so nasty and i kicked your ass in pool lol only 2 times out of uhh like 6 its ok you can still teach me lol..And then the car ride :)hehehehe..and the stayin the night with you i got the best sleep i have not had in forever the sleep i only used to get with you.YOu are by far the best friend in the whole world i know we are meant to be as much as you are aware of it and i wasnt sure a few weeks ago if you were aware we were supposed to be together...but now that you told me i know..It amazes me everytime we see eachother how happy we both are, i think ot myself there is no way in hell this isnt real.. we both were talking bout it last night how we go out and there is no body in the world to compare to you and to compare to me..Hell we are meant to be..I love you to death Squatt..

And again ashley sorry for freakin out i know i was wrong..it doesnt matter now its in the past and i still love u too
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