Dec 21, 2005 23:46
Happy Yule to all you fellow fucking Heathen fuckers out there, may the hammer smash the cross of all those faggot X-tian related groups, ignorant scum!
I loathe the holiday season, but look forward to the parties ov next week...Mr. Mortifer, aka, Jeff is being flown down from Washington to wreak havoc and raise hell...better ready the ol' liver...I think one night we may hit up the clubhouse for shits (and by may, I mean we will)...if interested, let me know...
...In other news, Dagon is finished writing material for the full length release...its hard to say what to expect...but it will NOT sound like our e.p. or split 7' track (that was an experimental version anyhow...its being remixed and remastered to sound a bit less..."thumpy")...we've got a fellow like minded libertine recording our album...thus the results are predicted, production wise, as a cross between pure holocaust and the there you have it...I am looking forward to its after effects (not the recording process, I hate that shit!)...
...Otherwise that starts soon...trips ensue, time elapses, worlds burn and flesh is bled...real quiet like...