Grape Juice? WTF IS THAT!?

Jul 02, 2008 01:42

Yes! My dad finally caved and he's going to buy me a LAPTOP innit. You don't know what this means to me peeps, my dad always buys my brother all the shit he wants, and whenever I ask for anything, he's suddenly strapped for cash. Which I know isn't true because he's always flaunting that shit in everyone's faces. But yeah, new laptop soon. This PC is fucking slow as fuck, I mean it. I tried to make a TEN FRAME animation, and I didn't have enough “memory” or whatever. Fuck thaaat.

I watched Adulthood on Monday, and it's not that good. I loved Kidulthood, but now the focus is on that ugly guy from Doctor Who. And that idiot with the shaved head needs a slap, for reals. A dealer my ass. He was fucking crying like a baby.

Which brings me to OMG DR WHO!? I'm not even going there. And fuck, I have some “hen night” to go to on Saturday. I don't want to go because a) I don't like the girl that much, b) it's in fucking PARK VILLAGE. You probs don't know where that is, but it's a bad place. I shit my pants whenever I have to go through there, which isn't often thank god. It's like half an hour away. And c) hen night? WTF? Why would she invite me? Because I'm a homo I want to to go to a hen party? HALE NO. I'd rather go to Canal tbh, but I'm gonna go because Ann-Marie's going. I SERIOUSLY DO NOT WANT TO BE AROUND MOTHERS WEARING L PLATES AND TALKING ABOUT “GRAPE JUICE” OR WHATEVER COKED OFF THEIR NOSES.. WTF is grape juice? I have no idea. Something for babies? IDK.

The people around here are so stupid I swear. This one guy played football in the park when he'd just had a heart operation, sat down on a bench and died. And everyone's like “Aw, it's such a shame. He was too young. He never hurt a fly.” W/E. He did hurt flies, many of them. People shaped flies. Idiots.

Sorry for the rants, just had to you know.

DR WHO on Saturday and I'm gonna miss it because I'll be in PARK VILLAGE and I'll probablly never come home. FUCK. OH SNAP, did anyone hear about those two Gossip Girl lads kissing and stuff on set? The English guy and the pretty guy who looks a bit like Boone? Yeah, I read it on Perez Hilton but still. :/ I can sort of see it, tbh. I dunno. We shall see. Actually, I don't think I give a shit. Bye.

(Reading it over, this post has no structure whatsoever. Sorry. The drugs have taken by brain. Jokes. Sort of.)

idk, bullshit, random, babble, no icons

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