
Nov 08, 2007 09:28

I totally had a weird night last night. I dreamt these spiders were throwing up green sick on me, and I woke up and I could still see them. Weird right? Spider sick. Nice nice. No more Jensen Ackles licking my knee, sicky spiders instead. Fanx for that.

And we went to put some flowers on my brother’s grave, and I swear to god there was a grave there with Brett Turner on it. Wtf? Oh, and this crazy drunk woman telling us that “the spirit community” isn’t happy with current affairs. So? They don’t have to live in it, they have to be dead in it. Whatever. Stupid crazy drunk lady. And then she starts ranting about all the baby ghosts in the baby part of the graveyard, and how it was a ghost making this wind thing move around. There was a breeze at the time. ¬¬.

Steven was being a total prick last night, yet again. He shot me, like, five times with the BB shotgun thing, and then he got pissed off when I told all of his little new friends what he gets up to after dark with me. That shut him up, and nearly got me a punch but whatevz. Those bullets really hurt like wow, and I’m gay so I bruise way easy. Touch me, and I’m bruised. Fer real.

And Ugly Betty isn’t even ugly, it annoys me to death.

My Nan’s a bitch. I’m going to hell apparantley. Um, Nan, it’s probably not because I’m gay. I pushed an old lay in the road this morning, that might have something to do with it. Oh right, it was you.

And I hate when I act all stupid and cute with people, and Ann-Marie’s like “Don’t listen to him, he’s just acting stupid.” Duh. I’ma kill you next time, skinny, I swear down. I’ll be like, “Don’t listen to her, she’s a lesbian.” Haha, you know I love ya really. Why do people drown in the sea? What’s a Zebra? That sort of stuff.

I have a new header and here are three icons from my latest batch for no reason at all.

me, random, pissed off, graveyards, zebra, three icons, new header, dumb

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